Why are bow hackers sitting in the mineshaft? Who knows but that mcnerd swung FIRST dosnt make zomar tp killing. I tp people in rooms like that for trades and repairs not tp killing. Day I to you in a room are you going to ASUME I'm trying to tp kill you?
i agree with thehiddenone some of the mods dont know how to tell if some one is hacking like me i got banned when i was not hacking i think u guys should do some test on ur mods
they all need to get tested for a week for 1 hour so the admins/co owners and owner can see if they are good for it
Just watching youtube videos from other servers you will see in chat "see a trial - mod abusing? Report them on the forums" wr don't have that.
na your smart and doing a good thing we need the mods to be better cuz they just ban people for nothing like hacking when most of them dont
This thread has came to a "hate on how mods moderate" thread? I don't appreciate this. Locking and Archiving.