I can sql inject, brute force into accounts, social engineer, and codeing. Say i'm a wannabe hacker? :>
I wanna say I dont care. I can do as much as you can sir. And More. So you should stay quiet for a bit.
It's not even worth my time. You seem like a wannabe hacker. And a real hacker Isn't as desperate and discloses information like that
Here's what you can do lmfao. For you SQL injection is using Havij. Lool Brute force is using Sentry MBA. Lmao - Coding? lmao Is you copying and pasting in VB.net. All the other skids on here are the same as you. Don't come on this thread acting like a big kid.
Just ignore her, I got threats from this random guy and he said I know your email, and I said well that's weird coz I don't have one. LMAO!! This was when I was 8.. so yeah.
Brute force is the worst way. It takes long and by the time you probably crack the password a week later the person changed their password
wasn't it just about a month ago where everyone was trying to get her account back? 12 year olds and there hormones if you can't beat them don't sure as heck join them..