Hey guys :p. its me ryan and i have a new forum game yay (cue kids yelling yay in the background). So basically how this works is you have to make a hashtag about the hashtag above you. So heres how it would work Person 1:#Hi Person 2: #NoOneCaresAboutYou Person 3: #ThatWasMean Rules: 1: Try to keep language to a minimum plz :p. 2: Dont take things offensively. Its meant to be a fun thread not a war zone 3: Use a capital letter for every new word so people can read it :p 4: Have fun :D
4/20 means April 20th. On that day people call it "National Pot Day" so people decide to smoke like crazy.
#4/20MeansApril20thOnThatDayPeopleCallItNationalPotDaySoPeopleDecideToSmokeLikeCrazy #HashtagTranslated