hello my ign is tehbeatles i am god rank but i want the elite prefix because i love the name and i love the color pink i just ask NoobCrew to please give me elite prefix please i really like the prefix thank you
Pretty sure you can't do that. It's then unfair to othesr. Or, if everyone would be able to do that, then people will abuse it.
You are not going to get it. If you are allowed to do this, everyone else on mineverse will do this, people would abuse this. Also, You cannot add a prefix without getting the perks of it.
yeah i can do this and no people will not abuse it just because the have the prefix does not mean they can get the kit of the prefix
What moron would abuse this when he knows hes gonna get banned, so not many people will abuse this, if theres nickname it will bring more life into mineverse more reason to donate and a really useful perk
the owner would have to give the prefix and accept your thread honey so no not many people could abuse this