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  • SA Theatress's Moderator Application ➸ {Updated}

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Calli, Mar 19, 2016.

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    1. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      'Ello everybody! I've been thinking long and hard about making a moderator application and I feel like I'm ready. Anyways, enjoy! Leave your suggestions and thoughts on my Moderator Application! If you'd like to know more about me, feel free to read my introduction!: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/ˆhollypixs-introductionˆ.74640/. Let's start!

      ☄An Apology
      Before any of you reply to my application without even reading it, I get it. I made an "Off-Topic" thread attaching a picture which I clearly didn't make. I just posted it because I had a lot of great things happening to me in one day, though I didn't think straight of showing this picture. I've lied and didn't give credit. And for this, I'm sorry. So please, don't start off with "lol u copied a picture, no support!", because I would like to be judged by my present actions, not past.


      ☄How old are you?
      I'm currently 13 years old and I will be turning 14 on July 7th.

      ☄Your in-game name
      My current IGN is Theatress. Some of you may have known me as xReagan_. These are my past names: https://namemc.com/profile/b523354d-5a78-4e3d-9dc8-635ed5a34525

      ☄What timezone are you in?
      I live in England so my timezone is GMT Zone (00:00)- Greenwich Mean Time.

      ☄What country do you live in?
      I currently live in England.

      ☄What languages do you speak?
      I speak English, French, and a little bit of Russian. English is my main language and I'm still learning French, though I know how to speak clearly.

      ☄Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence? (i.e. recording software, screenshots, etc)
      Since I usually play on an Apple MAC, I have QuickTime Player to record and I simply use FN + F2 to snapshot and Gyazo to snapshot and underline the person who is breaking the rules.

      ☄Why do you think you should become a mod?
      The firmest reason I tend to apply for Moderator is because of my timezone. Now, I understand, people joining forums come from all over the world, but my timezone has something "important" about it. Many people live in the USA or AUS but the people who live in the EU timezone is decreasing or maybe not even "trending" as a matter of fact. EU Moderators won't be keenly seen on the forums or ingame as USA or AUS moderators, but there are players whom submit reports which USA or AUS moderators can't answer right away in the nighttime. When I'm on, there is specifically a range of 100-450 players on, and sometimes, these players ignore or just show lack of respect towards the community, which influences many others. This can be dealt with easily and since I live in the EU, I have experienced many of this coincidences happening, but they can be dealt with a decent amount of time. Here are some of my traits whom can qualify.~


      As a moderator, you should never turn your back on a player or a friend just because an argument shook you off your courses. You can't just go on, holding a grudge to that player, while this player is acting fair and equal to you. This is an important qualification for a moderator because nobody would most likely tend to talk to you; or ask for help. This can ward many fellow players off-track, distrusting you and your actions just because there was a small disagreement. This has happened to me before, and now, it seems as if nothing has happened in the past.​

      Kindhearted & Polite
      I have been rude in the past, to some people on forums and ingame, and I apologize. I have tended to become being more polite. I usually said things I did not intend to say. I have usually said "Hi!" to people I've met on forums, ingame. Being polite as a moderator will always stick with me, and even if that's a long way ahead, I will always be polite. I had always tried to cheer people up with jokes and telling them about my earliest memories and most embarrassing moments on ingame. I have been enthusiastic since I was 11 years old, and I tend not to change.

      Some people may not understand what "sharp-eyed" means. This is the meaning that I have sharp eyes. I can easily spot hackers or people breaking the rules in chat with inappropriate language or advertising. So far, I've done 123 reports for different things people have done for showing no respect for the rules. (Swearing, spamming, advertising, etc.)

      I would count myself as an active person. Even though, I don't see the same spark of interestin smaller gamemodes like Skygrid and Hellblock, I would always be active on servers that seem to have the most hackers/abusers and that seem vulnerable. Kit PvP, for example, when I'm on in the morning, there are people who think that they rule the server for 8 hours before players come flooding back. I am a pretty active person on many pvp servers and I would always help another gamemode whom some people feel like it is vulnerable.


      I have dedicated most of my time to playing Mineverse. I am a very committed player and I have always been. Even If I had only been playing Mineverse for 1 year, I will always be dedicated to Mineverse and grateful to Mineverse. The Mineverse Community is quite an inspiration and this server is quite dignified. You know how many people in school are dedicated to being the best and getting good grades? That dedication is the same thing to my dedication to Mineverse.

      Respectful & Cautious
      I have tried to be keen and respectful ever since I joined Mineverse. 3 months before, when I first joined I was impulsive and nagging, and then I started to realize that this server is a respectful server. I have become more and more aware of the rules, on the forums and ingame. And before I type anything to chat, I always double check to make sure I am not breaking the rules, like cussing or being offensive. I'm also very cautious and I always make sure that I always follow the rules, even if I have been impulsive.


      I'll admit, I didn't care about grammar when I joined this server. I have always tried to fit in, like instead of using "you" I used "u." I then have realized how immature I was and I always tried to fix my grammar mistakes whenever I type in chat. I now put an apostrophe in "they're" or "there's", and more. It has nagged me that people never put "we're" when they put "were". I have done this before and I realized my mistakes. I become more aware of my grammar and try to fix it at all times.

      "LOL GET REKT SKRUB." I often experience people saying this on almost every single pvp server. People say "ezpz kiddo," or something like that. I'm really not bothered by this. I've seen some players respond with cussing and disrespect which leads to huge arguments. I don't and would never respond to someone like this. I simply say "Good fight," or "Good game." I never intend to hurt another person with absurd comments.

      I am enthusiastic at many times. I always try to cheer people up with jokes and share funny moments from comedies on television with them. I usually call my friends and other people "nerds," which doesn't seem to bother them. But, I would never write anything offensive, racist, or something against religion. But at times, I sometimes feel the need to make up a joke to cheer people up.

      Fair & Equal
      I am fair and equal at all times. For instance, I don't take sides in fights or start cussing and spamming in chat at the people who starting this fight. Neither, do I treat anyone as an outcast. I rarely get annoyed but if I do, I never say something whom isn't fair or equal. I have experienced many people being unequal to each other and not treating each other with respect and dignity. I would always change this and would continue to change people's opinions to fair points.

      Dependability is being trustable of the job of a moderator. I feel like I am being capable of being depended on and worthy of trust of everyone's trust. And in any sort of way or ability, I would never break a promise or devotion to someone. I always do what people said and would do it as much as is needed. Promises, once spoken in chat or speaking to someone, can be thought of a dedicated sentence I can make with the community. When I do not uphold the end of the bargain, the community is less likely to turn to me or count on me in the future. I will feel like I lost all credibility, reliability, and integrity when I break a promise, and I would always keep my loyalty to the community.

      To be unbiased, you have to be 100% fair — you can't have a favorite, or opinions that would color your judgment. For example, to be unbiased, you can't always judge people just because you saw them once online. If anybody, or a moderator, acted biased and impulsive, it would be unhealthy for the community and people would never trust you, or in consequences, would ignore you and cast you out. As a moderator, this qualification shows trust and loyalty.

      ((IMPORTANT: OP PvP and Kit PvP are populated gamemodes, where at many times, I rarely see any moderators on. I'm tightly tied to these gamemodes, though I do play other gamemodes. On these gamemodes, I experience many people advertising their servers, spamming, etc. Since there are Global Moderators now, I won't stick to these gamemodes forever, but I'm active there for at least 45-50 minutes, and I barely see moderators on so hence I can tend to the people breaking the rules.))


      ☄How long can you be active on the server everyday?


      Forums: 5 hours
      Ingame: 5 1/2 hours

      Forums: 5 hours
      Ingame: 4 hours

      Forums: 4 hours
      Ingame: 4 hours

      Forums: 6 hours
      Ingame: 6 hours

      Forums: 6 hours
      Ingame: 5 1/2 hours

      Forums: 6 hours
      Ingame: 6 hours

      Forums: 5 hours
      Ingame: 4 hours

      ☄How long have you been playing Mineverse?

      I have been playing Mineverse for 1 year.

      ☄Have you ever been banned in the past? (Forums & In-game)
      I have been banned on forums 2 times. My first ban was rate abuse, 30 no supports on other people's application, which I am sorry for. My second ban was creating an alt. Both bans were 3 days straight. But I haven't been banned ingame.

      ☄Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I currently have no experience as a moderator.


      Thank you for reading my application and be sure to leave a comment bellow! Have a great day! :)
      Last edited: May 2, 2016
    2. Rodeen

      Rodeen Boss Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      100000000% SUPPORT
      You're so helpful and kind, I don't think they can find anyone better than you for the position atm.
      You deserve this!
      You'll always have my support :)
    3. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Thank you so much! <33
      Last edited: Apr 4, 2016
    4. DinoDuck

      DinoDuck Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2016
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      Ivy, I honestly don't know how much I support you. You need this role, I know you'll do an outstanding job moderating mineverse for so how much I know you. The only down side I'll say, is that you change your name too often. 98% of my support. Good Luck <3
      Love ya <3
    5. DinoDuck

      DinoDuck Well-Known Member

      Jan 13, 2016
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      No problem honey <3
    6. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      Cassie, I have critical qualifications for Moderator Applications, because I believe Moderator must be only the best people. Few applications meet my expectations; even fewer surpass them. This application is nothing short of amazing.
    7. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      I could not thank you more! Good luck with your application, too! <3 :)
    8. Herf

      Herf Boss Member

      Jul 15, 2014
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      Neutral, do more reports.
    9. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Okay, thank you for your input!
    10. Titanicguy

      Titanicguy Boss Member

      Jan 2, 2016
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      Mmmmmm yaassss Cassie!!!
    11. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Thanks so much, Titan! <33
    12. Jenn

      Jenn Well-Known Member

      Nov 5, 2015
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      Support :)
    13. Levis

      Levis Boss Member

      Sep 13, 2014
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    14. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      neutral i havent seen u in game
    15. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      Thanks, Jenn! <33

      Thank you so much! It means a lot! <3

      What gamemodes do you usually play? I usually play OP PvP, Skywars, Parkour, Creative, Infection, Prison, and Archer PvP. :)
      Last edited by a moderator: Apr 4, 2016
    16. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      same all of those plus survival but not prison and archer and parkour
    17. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      I'm currently visiting my Aunt, but I'll be sure to say hi to you ingame. :)
    18. yehs

      yehs Builder Builder

      Sep 11, 2015
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    19. Exstatisfy

      Exstatisfy Boss Member

      Nov 21, 2015
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      First off, reading this sort of upset me because I'm active on this game mode. It's my favorite one.

      Now onto my selection, I'm going to go with Neutral. We were old friends in game, when my username was 'TheKittyy' or 'Leoparrd' and I remember you as being a fairly nice person. But then and even to this day I only ever see you on Creative talking with friends in /me or roleplaying. This isn't bad, but we need people who are active on other game-modes and not just one, hence why we are global moderators. I also remember a few times in the past you've been involved in some drama with other players in creative, that I really hope doesn't happen anymore.

      But I do see you doing a lot of reports, and doing other things that could contribute to being a good moderator. Good luck!
    20. Calli

      Calli Boss Member

      Feb 2, 2016
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      I don't RP anymore. In fact, I stopped a long time ago. Sorry if that upset you its just that I don't see that many mods on there. And if I have been involved in any sort of drama, I intend not to anymore. Thanks anyways.
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