I have been criticized for many things in the past few months. It made me think it's time to spill the truth. More than one's mind can hold. Around this time one year ago, I was looking for a server. Found the one @CypriotMerks 's friend, Collin, owned. I played there and donated close to $275. I was a forum legacy, with around 7K posts and 3K positive ratings. I then was banned from the forum and left the server almost completely. I then joined here- a little mod hungry after failing to get staff I previously played on. And I made the mistake of applying for mid- applied too early and screwed me over. I kept applying after my demotion, and I eventually realized it wasn't happening. And so I then decided to stay for good, as a member. If you read this, I'm proud of you. It was important for me that you read this.
Hopefully you re-apply for Mod in the future, once you're absolutely sure you have the best intentions for the server and that it's something you feel you need to help the server on a greater level. Good luck and I'm glad you shared this.
That's cool. You're determined and not willing to give up I would love to see you as a mod some day. You seem like a very kind guy. I am [God]LeBrand. Nice to meet you. Ill give you a few tips to becoming a mod(Althought Im not a Mod but i'll do my best) -Become very active on the forums and in-game -Get to know everyone and become friends with other staff -I think buying a rank would make you a bit more well-known -Make only 1 mod application every 3+ months or so. Spamming apps will only make things worse. -Help a lot of people out and be a role model -Be cool and don't be weird. Act natural (Not literally[Whenever people say "act natural" they act like cows]) -Be nice to people -Create good threads that will interest people I hope this helped! Goodluck on the path to becoming a moderator! :D
Do you people even read comments? He's not saying mention it, he's saying it would help to be more known.
Im not saying It can be used at bribery. Im just saying, if u have a rank, there's a higher chance that people will know you.