Hey guys! I hate to admit it but school is around the corner! and I want to shed some light on it and make a thread about school! I thought it would be fun to talk about some things at school! you can choose one of these topics or all of them! Before the topics I just want to wish everyone good luck in school! ________________________________________________________ Topics: 1) What is the funniest thing that has happened in school 2) Whats your favorite Subject or class 3) What is your least favorite subject or class 4)Most embarrassing thing that has happened at school 5) Your favorite school supply 6) Your favorite thing to have for lunch at school 7) What is the thing your looking forward to the most this school year! _______________________________________________________ My answers! 1) When my foot was broken I was helping our dance team manager ( I was on the dance team at my school now I'm focusing on theater because its my passion) with organizing costumes. We tried on the funniest and weirdest costumes and did ugly dancing! 2) Theater for elective and for a core class its math 3) English because I can't spell to save my life! 4) I had a teacher that made us leave our backpacks outside the class room and I went to my next class and the teacher said to pull out or journals and a pencil I went to grab them and noticed I had no backpack. I then had to ask my teacher if I could go grab my backpack because I left it at my last class. 5) Pens and markers! I love making my notes pretty and fun! 6) I love it when I make pasta and salad and bring it to school! 7) Im excited to make new friends and meet new people! ___________________________________________________________ I hope y'all enjoy this thread and good luck in school <3 Abbie
2. Im not to sure if Basketball counts but that would be my favorite thing about school lol. Having to go to basketball at 6:30 am to 8 am everyday and then going to it again in 4th period. 3. Mine would be Math. I am not good at it lol.
Yea. But im only in 8th grade and all I knew was that we went from adding numbers to algebra lol. My teacher was also really strick. I mean very strick.
I started 8th grade today as of 8/6/18 it was great 1) Too many to just pick one. 2) My favorite subject as or right now (it changes a lot at the beginning of the year) would be honors science because we are going to be dissecting all sorts of animals this year! 3) I don't have a least favorite class as of right now. 4) In 6th grade are teacher let us bring anything we wanted for this one day of school and write about it so I brought a lot of slime for me and my friends and I took the slime out of the container and then put it back in very fast and then it made a big fart like sound and everyone just looked at me and my face was so red according to my friends. 5) My binder! 6) Pizza. 7) Meeting all the new students!
https://gyazo.com/e51276447a62d93d123998297cf16cdc nice 1) was in english class and i didnt hear my teacher over and over again so i just told her i had dyslexia in my eardrums 2) history ez 3) math not ez 4) idk lol im a safe person i make sure nothin happens 5) highlighters 6) sandwich 7) idk lol
Funniest thing when I was in school was when I made a joke about trump in this Earth Science class and this girl couple chairs away from me starts laughing her butt off apparently of my joke. I later started laughing with her. She asked for my number but I didn't feel like giving it yet and later typed her number on her phone. She was cute though. She even took a selfie with me couple times..I wanted to date her, but she found a guy and wasn't that into me. The next school year she was into me and I tried taking her out to homecoming, but she found someone else instead :(. She likes me and laughs at the things I do though.. Spoiler: 18+ I wanna get on her so bad : ((( Favorite subject is math(Except advanced math including Algebra 2) and History. Least would be, as I said before, Advanced math including Algebra 2 and English. Most embarrassing thing would be entering a classroom that you're not supposed to be in on the first days of school. One example would be that on the first few days of school, I entered the wrong P.E. class... MECHANICAL PENCILS ESPECIALLY THE 0.7 ONES (I have a s** ton of them. If you want some feel free to ask.) Favorite lunch would be a bacon cheeseburger with chocolate milk and apple sauce lol (US school lunches smfh) Actually I finished school. I'm going to college (not uni). I'm looking forward to meet my old friends and make new ones as well as go out of my shell and try cool things
Arent you in 8th grade? i'm in 9th currently 1) What is the funniest thing that has happened in school Well long story short I have a cat and when I was in 1st grade my cat came in my car followed me inside and went in my classroom 2) Whats your favorite Subject or class Dunno I hate them all. Maybe english 3) What is your least favorite subject or class Math 4)Most embarrassing thing that has happened at school When someone told the pricipal I stole their cookie. 5) Your favorite school supply Pencil ofc 6) Your favorite thing to have for lunch at school idek where to start i have alot my all time favorite cold lunch is a turkey sandwitch with mustard but if im gonna buy something I want it's probably pizza. 7) What is the thing your looking forward to the most this school year! idk I had a girlfriend for a few months this past year but I most likely want a steady relationship with someone.
1) What is the funniest thing that has happened in school. I don’t know, a lot has happened but just today I was quizzing my friend over Spanish (he’s terrible at it), I asked him the basics and then eventually asked him what’s Ligma was. He said he didn’t know ;) I told him later on that we will be studying Sugondese next year. 2) Whats your favorite Subject or class Choir or Science cause our science teacher randomly blurts out/screams funny stuff at us. Constantly. 3) What is your least favorite subject or class Honors Geometry cause it takes time. 4)Most embarrassing thing that has happened at school Idk, I crapped myself in Kindergarten 5) Your favorite school supply Mechanical pencils 6) Your favorite thing to have for lunch at school Spaghet. 7) What is the thing your looking forward to the most this school year! Idrk. Anything could happen. The choir is going to a big state though
1) When my friend bragged about how smart he is yet I got better grades 2) English even though I mess up a lot, I find the subject very fun 3) Maths, terrible at it and always will be 4) Most embarrassing thing in school is when I get my Maths results back and it's absolutely terrible 5) Pen cause I like writing 6) Pizzaaaaaaa 7) Well, mainly getting to see all my friends again as a whole year group for our final time as a full year group
1) Nothing 2) English 3) Organic chem. 4) Happened when I was back in High School, I fell down a flight of stairs. 5) Calculator 6) I starve 7) Not dying