I've heard a lot of complaints and crap about the new moderators. Well it needs to stop. Sure, the moderators aren't top notch like they used to be, but they are ten times better than most servers. Most of them do there job very well. They don't deserve the treatment we are giving them. -Platinum
I agree with being better than other servers. I have nothing against any of the Moderators, I just dislike some of the ways they do Moderate. I admit, no one moderates perfectly. Hell, we all know I didn't. There is always room for improvement though.
Very true point made out there. Moderators keep the server running smoothly and treating them in this way is not fair. It has to stop. What have they done to you. Most the moderators are very friendly actually...
For many people, moderating just seems like a game. Even though it may not look like it, being a mod takes a lot of responsability. This thread is simply amazing.
another server has great mods that r rly friendly. I go on it reguarlary. the only problem is no one else does anymore XD
Being a mod is hard guys takes rough moments that are important you need to be careful with the response ability with great power come great response ability
I've been to servers where I get banned for saying omg and stuff, mods take there free time up to help mineverse, I totally agree with Platinum
Me and ScoFu always talk about you new mods. Honestly does it really take 3+ mods to do 1 report? I know Scofu is training you but it there any experience of being a mod on anywhere else besides mineverse and a "Friend Server"? I know you are starting out but at least have some experience. @Platinum If you don't like people trolling you or being dumb, turn off your chat or go to forums. Don't ban that player because you were angry "Considered a biased ban". Now that got you a bad reputation on your first day of mod. ~Chris
I think the moderators are doing a decent job, a good enough job people dont need to be rude about them.