---------------------------------------------------------Ily Pile--------------------------------------------------------------- There is ALOT more I would like to add but it maxed the limit :( Here is a quick thanks to all Staff Members :rolleyes: CypriotMerks Noobcrew Firo3000 Chezby Pile_of_Butts Grayson MrParkourGuy Darkchyldeone Edward Glaadiator KatoKillsMyGPA Gwism Laura_or_is_it McMuffin__ mineterria MiningCreeper454 pokemaniac01 purifiedbws rachetclanks ScoFu13 Troy Xelnagahunter Zambiana
Funny story theres not one thing I love about mineverse but its everything!! From now on their motto is mineverse is love mineverse is life! I cri if it ever gets down D: