Yo was up people I making this clan for a boss op diamond p4 p3 p2 team. Fill this template out to join. 1: Your ign name: 2: Skype name or pm me it: 3: Can you beat me or BMANVT in a 1v1: Now heres some ranks. Mini mod 100$ kitpvp money to me Killedlikeaboss or BMANVT you can temp accept and perm accept after comferming with me. Mod 150$ perm accept temp kick. Admin 200 same as what a Co-Owner can do. Final thing you don't want to pay me for the ranks give me this bellow. Mini mod: 100 ign money or a p2 set. Mod 150 ign money or a p3 set. Admin 200 ign money or a p4 set.
Current ranks are. Owner: Killedlikeaboss Co-Owner: BMANVT Admin: PixieSkyler Mod: CosmicGalaxy32 Mini-Mod:
Is this on KitPvP? Aren't you banned on KitPvP? http://www.mineverse.com/threads/killedlikeaboss-dirty.9559/#post-87041 Sorry, I got confused because of this. ^
1: Your ign name: CookieFighter01 2: Skype name or pm me it: Well you know me haha <3 3: Can you beat me or BMANVT in a 1v1: Nope, not a chanche xD Im way to bad x3 <3
Have you got Skype if so pm me it their will be a Skype call for us all I am going to make it when I can or @BMANVT can or @PixieSkyler could. Anyway Welcome to The Killer Kids :D
Do you want a clan rank? Mini-Mod: 100$ kitpvp money to me then you get that rank read at top for perms. Mod: Same as Mini-Mod but costs 150$ kitpvp you get 1 more perk read at top for perms. Admin: 200$ kitpvp money this one a special rank just like Co-Owner read at top for perms.
1: Your ign name: CosmicGalaxy32 2: Skype name or pm me it: U know 3: Can you beat me or BMANVT in a 1v1: I won u in a 1v1 and u know that :>
Do you want a clan rank? Mini-Mod: 100$ kitpvp money to me then you get that rank read at top for perms. Mod: Same as Mini-Mod but costs 150$ kitpvp you get 1 more perk read at top for perms. Admin: 200$ kitpvp money this one a special rank just like Co-Owner read at top for perms.