I just created this thread to talk about Destiny because literally no one I know at my school plays Destiny. :/ I love the game and just hope someone else does, or this post will get ignored like most of mine. Anyways, enjoy, my first exotic was The Last Word
Noice, I finished all the bounties(except the Fate) and im working on my second thorn and invective. xD
Idk what that means but I like the guy that his like mini guy is a swordsman thing.. Idk what the guys called
https://tse3.mm.bing.net/th?id=JN.p8DLSNIgew+Sg+UHi+kqcg&w=163&h=164&c=7&rs=1&qlt=90&o=4&pid=1.1 sRm this is fo' you. xD