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  • The Death Dome 2 Episode 1

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by TeamTyler, Feb 3, 2016.

    1. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      "Last season on The Death Dome, 13 teens signed up for a chance of $1,000,000. Eliminated campers died. Versic won, but he died anyway. I am bringing back 12 newbies for Season 2 of the Death Dome! This time, there are teams! Find out who will win this season on The Death Dome!"

      A foxy girl with foxy dyed hair walked up. It was in the Rose gold color. She had a white tee, carried a Rose gold colored purse and had blue denim shorts.
      "Hey hoes, I'm Rosegold," said Rose.
      "Can I call you Rose for short?" asked Tyler.
      "Bish, who do you think you are? Of course you can't!' She walked to the side of the dock.
      "Our next camper is Jaffa!" announced Tyler.
      "Who'd name their child a Jaffa?" snorted Rosegold.
      A tall, muscular guy with dark hair walked up. Rosegold drooled.
      "Hey! I'm Jaffa!" he announced, "finally these crappy Gods won't take my bull, and I wont take theirs."
      "Take my number, you sexy God!" mumbled Rosegold. She fainted with joy. Jaffa smirked.
      "Our next camper is here!"
      A girl with dyed cobalt blue hair walked up. She had platinum blond streaks in the hair. She was wearing a blue long sleeved top with white shorts.
      "Why the hell am I here?" yelled Lisa, "my stupid s***ty parents!"
      A short girl with brown curly hair walked up. Her eyes matched her hair, and she was wearing a Japanese school uniform.
      "You aren't at school Lucy!" yelled Tyler, "anyway, our next campers are all siblings!"
      2 boys and a girl walked up. One boy was wearing jeans and had dark brown eyes and choppy hair. He was muscly. The other boy was not as muscly and had pink hair. He had the same clothes as the first boy, and brown eyes. The girl was reasonably shorter than her brothers. She has the same jeans, but has Brandenburg eyes and hair. It's in a ponytail.
      "I'm Irmi!" said the girl.
      "I'm Ben!" said the first boy.
      "I'm Pat!" said the second boy.
      "Oh my god," cried Rosegold, "why are there so many sexy guys?"
      "Please welcome @Chiyami! My ex-intern!" announced Tyler.
      Chiyami walked onto the dock. She had choppy red hair, black eyes, a cropped red tee, ripped jeans and a black hoodie.
      "Chiyami," said Tyler, "remember, this is for kidnapping me." Chiyami glared at him.
      "F*** THIS!" she yelled, "I thought when you fired me, I got all the freedom I could ask for. F*** THIS!" She then looked at Jaffa, Ben and Pat.
      "Never mind, I'm in heaven," sighed Chiyami, "I'll stay!"
      "My men!" yelled Rosegold.
      "Oh kill yourself you b****!"
      "Ladies, you're all horrible, now shut up!" yelled Tyler, "you might recognise this guy. He's similar to one of the Total Drama winners, has the same past as them, please meet Duncan!"
      "Why does the Total Drama company have to make a character just like me?" muttered Duncan, "they clearly don't know how to make their own characters!"
      "Your loss not mine! Our next teen is Alec!"
      A boy with choppy black hair, sunglasses, baby blue jeans and a blood red tee walked up. He saw Rosegold.
      "Hey," he said.
      "Hey?" replied Rosegold.
      "You're, you're,"
      "Oh for crying out loud, spit it out!"
      "SO GOD DAMN LOUD!" *CRACK* Rosegold slapped Alec.
      "r00d," said Rosegold.
      A girl with a frilly black tee, with a Troll face on it walked up. She also had blondish, gingerish hair tied up over her shoulder, and a baby blue skirt.
      "Hey!" she giggled, "I'm Stel! I'm gonna make you laugh!" She walked up to Rosegold. "Nice hair." Rosegold smiled.
      "I know."
      "SIKE!" yelled Stel. She grabbed a pair of scissors and attempted to cut Rosegold's hair.
      "Trollolololol!" yelled Stel. She put the scissors away.
      The final camper walked up. He was a boy. He had a black top, jacket and jeans, and choppy brown hair.
      "I'm Robert!" said the boy, "am I the only normal one here?"
      "Bish, no," muttered Rosegold.
      "Shut up you cow!" yelled Alec.

      Robert: "This cast scares me."
      Chiyami: "Legally I don't have to be here in the first place. Tyler's just bitter about last year. He can't make me do stuff if I'm fired!"
      Rosegold: "This place is a dump for a queen."
      Alec: "That girl with the pinkish white hair, was it Rosegold? Anyway, she's hot. But I have trouble talking to girls."
      Jaffa: "My Gods sent me here, to for-fill a quest for $1,000,000. This place is better then where they make me live!"
      Pat: "Me and my siblings are so happy to be here! Shame at least 2 of us will die. :/ Why did we have to have the same idea as each other? Wow."
      *End Confessional*

      *At the camp*
      "As you can see, there are teams this time!" announced Tyler. Rosegold, Jaffa, Lucy, Pat, Ben and Lisa are Team Blue, and the rest of you are Team Red.
      "No!" cried Irmi, "my brothers!"
      "I'm sure it will be fine," muttered Robert, "aren't you tough anyway?"
      "At least I got all the hot guys," smirked Rosegold.

      Stel: "I am going to troll all these losers so hard! I might as well be the new Official Troll!"
      *End Confessional*

      "Your first challenge is paintball!" announced Tyler, "hence why you each have a paintball gun! If you get hit, you're out! Last person remaining from the losing team is immune!"

      Lisa: "Paintball? Really?"
      Pat: "I AM GOING TO REK ALL THESE NOOBS! As you can tell, I am quite aggressive."
      Robert: "I hope nobody cheats."
      Stel: "Perfect game to troll people."
      Chiyami: "I might shoot Tyler."
      *End Confessional*

      Chiyami shot Tyler.
      "Chiyami is out for shooting the host!" announced Tyler.
      "F***!" yelled Chiyami.

      Jaffa ambushed Robert and Irmi. Ben and Pat ambushed Stel, but she got them both by trolling them.

      Ben: "This Stel person is annoying!"
      Stel: "TROLLOLOLOLOL!"
      *End Confessional*

      Soon, it was down to Stel, Alec and Duncan vs Jaffa. They cornered Jaffa.
      "Go ahead," said Jaffa, "shoot me, Tyler said the last person out from each team is immune. Stel then shot all her teammates.
      "WHAT THE HELL!" yelled Duncan, "nice going!"
      "TROLLOLOL!" sang Stel. She eventually shot Jaffa.
      "I know I said shoot me," he winced, "but not in the coconuts!" He grabbed his crotch and fell to the ground.
      "Team Red win the first challenge!" announced Tyler, "and Jaffa is immune!"

      Jaffa: "Not the coconuts!"
      Alec: "Did that troll really have to shoot us before winning? She could have just won."
      Duncan: "When I can, I am voting Stel off!"
      Robert: "We won!"
      Pat: "We lost! At least Irmi is safe!"
      *End Confessional*

      Pat, Irmi and Ben met outside the mansion.
      "I know we are on different teams," said Irmi, "but we need to work together!"
      "Agreed!" said Pat.
      "Yea," replied Ben. Jaffa and Rosegold then walked up.
      "Wanna work together guys?" asked Pat.
      "Yea," replied Jaffa.
      "Since you're all sexy, sure," winked Rosegold.

      Rosegold: "MY TEAM IS SO HOT!"
      Chiyami: "MY TEAM IS SO NOT HOT! I CRI!"
      *End Confessional*

      *Elimination Ceremony*
      "Welcome!" announced Tyler, "the two people with the most votes tonight, will go to the other team, and they vote one of the losers off! By a vote of 3-2-1, Rosegold vs Lisa vs Lucy, Lisa and Rosegold are going to the Dome!"
      "WHAT?" yelled Rosegold.

      *Death Dome*
      The winning team were watching the nominated girls.
      "Vote one of them off!" announced Tyler.
      The voted ended up 4-2. Lisa lost.
      "How could you?" cried Lisa, "my parents basically signed me up to die! At least I die with my sexy blue hair!"
      "Hm," said Stel, "nah." Stel grabbed the scissors and shaved Lisa's head.
      "Agh!" she screamed. Stel moved at Lisa exploded.

      "The first episode of season 2 went well! What will happen? Find out next time!"
    2. Chiyami

      Chiyami Active Member

      Oct 2, 2015
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