Hey guys. So why do people do mc dating? If you do your obviously not alone lol. But just think why you do. And post it in the replies. But ive been talking to a few of my friends on this server, and it turns out quite a few are depressed. And it got me thinking about why people do mc dating in the first place. And I think its because it fills the gap of relationships irl. This is my case, and probably the case for many. Idk, maybe im wrong. But some people are more depressed than others about it. And I dont know, nobody ever has really looked into this. But a large percentage of mineverse depressed teens just trying to feel like they're in a relationship? This is sorta the case for me I guess. But i'm not affected that much so idk. Thx for reading and please leave a reply on why u do mc dating if you do, or just an opinion. Relative Information about me Junior in high school Never had a real relationship which im kinda depressed about Decent amount of friends I laugh wayyyy to much lel Thx for reading guys. Leave a reply! Lol if your gonna leave a reply. Dont bring up the topic of pedofiles pls. They hardly exist on mc. And if you wanna argue it, make a new thread :p And if this doesnt personally apply to you. Think about it from my perspective or "a weird kid"'s perspective Guys, this is a serious problem. Rather you think it or not, I'm completely sure that it is. So please spread awareness about this. I want to gather opinions and figure this out. You would help so much, thanks. Just a warning there's some sad stuff below. Be careful.
I did because i feel worse than an abandoned dog, i felt like literally rubbish. And i still feel like that but i try not to think about it, because i got into a deeper level of depression; And trust me, since you are in a depression its hard to get out. I don't like to do things which i enjoyed before, i don't longer smile (and if i do its fake). I've never taste another meat, i've never shared love with someone, because when i do she does not give it back. I though that an mc/Skype girlfriend would help, but it doesn't; It just makes you glad, but not happy. If i could re-do my life to this point i would; i would have had take more adventage over some situations, i would had take more risk with thing, I'd had share more time with some people when i had the chance. And i probably see like an attention seeker, but thats exactly what i need! I need (and i think everyone does) someone to love, respect, and trust. But i think there's the big deal. ¿Where i might find someone? Thats one of the biggest wonders i have, i've never take a shot for someone because i have never had someone. And let me ask you ¿Do you know how is the person with who you live, you go to school to or even your bus driver? And i make you an invitation to disconnect from your world and connect with other's world. We don't literally give a hell about the one who is right next to us, he can need more help than us; and i know its difficult to think in others when you are depressed, but you need to help others. And well, if people were more happy, servers and even real life would be a better place. And since i discovered that kicking myself doesn't work i always put others first. If you do that i bet mc relations would decrease; ''Salty'' people would decrease too. So if you wan't the server to be a better place look others before than you, trust me, it will work.
Enjoy your childhood while you can. Don't worry about the dating life, you have many more years ahead of you to worry about that.
Nah date, life is a sequence of experiments, the more you do, the more ways you know how to fail or how not to ;p
I get u man, BTW, I'm not depressed really. It's depressing that I've never had a real relationship before, but I'm not depressed. And man I'm learning so much about this like. You helped so much man, thx. And feel better. It gets better.
Some, do it plain right for attention. Some, don't do it for attention and really need it. I think it's very sad to date online. Can you not see the issues? You can't meet, go on walks, hug, go out together, feel each other, have any direct contact. It's all words and letters in a chat box you stare at. But hey, if it makes you happy, then thats your choice.
I'll try and tell my tale quickly as I am in a bit of a rush; So if you guys read my introduction, you'd know a fair amount of my background with Minecraft. Last summer I met this 14 year old Australian by the name of Kylie on this said server. We quickly grew as close friends, and shared a lot in common. As you may also know of myself, I have never truly have any "real" friends physically before. I had never felt useful before, and wanted by others. So when this Kylie donated for me, I quickly grew iconic on this 2K populated Minecraft Server. I loved it. For once, I felt as if I had a purpose and was useful. As if I was actually wanted and thought of by others. I had made many friends, about 300+. Kylie, being my the best friend. Long story short, I eventually asked her out. You see, I do not believe that the concept of a long distance relationship is moot. I do not believe even that long distance FRIENDSHIPS are moot. I believe this as somewhere, in this corrupt and dangerous world, there is a fellow person who actually cares of you.. Actually spend the time talking to you, and relating with you, etc. Screen or not. Virtual relations have never bothered me because of so. Anyways, I made a few mistakes and was alienated and demoted from this server. All 300 people I called a friend were lost. Abandoned me, just as everyone else i my physical life has done. But this Kylie stayed. She cared, and loved of me so. We then dated for 12 months. A whole year bound together and limited to just talking through Skype, but we made it. But then, just like everyone else.. She change. She changed into a person I no longer knew. Into a person I no longer loved. She abandoned me last month, and since then I have not forgotten that even people you met online are not much different than those in physical reality. I truly never had someone love me before, and care of me.. So to have something like that taken away from me, hurt. And this is why I still find myself in pain nowadays. Anyways, that's what I think of LDR's and MC relations :P
It does take some time. You all are so young. It will come for all of you. Mean while I believe is nothing wrong with OD.
If someone doesn't have a sense of fulfilment in their real life, it is easy to become attracted to a game, and even.more so a person on that game. Games can often be a means of escape from the real world.
Sometimes that person you really like ( I mean the personality, character, same likes)We don't have the chance to meet them near you. Sometimes that special person is far from you. So mean while you got the chance to meet him or her "in real life" is nothing wrong to start knowing them on line.