@Laura_or_is_it @Pile_of_Butts @Troy @Edward Ray @Darkchyldeone @mineterria @pokemaniac01 @MrParkourGuy @Dirty_Ninja @Gwism @Xelnagahunter This Thread is just to Thank all the Moderators for there hard work on this Server This server has really progressed, since the time I arrived here. I recently started making friends with the Moderators last month. I've got to known some of them pretty well, and some of them have become good friends I mostly appreciate how good they do their jobs. Dirty_Ninja. He is a great moderator on the forums. I see his posts on my reports from time to time. I don't see him much on the server. I've probably seen him once or twice. He does a great job on the forums though. He tries his best to respond to the reports that have been posted. He probably couldn't see good at some of my posts, but he does his best. I appreciate his work on the forums Pile_of_Butts, she plays on the server, and is really friendly to everyone, she is usually just standing in one spot, looking down, but I know she's doing her job on this server. She might not be active throughout the entire day, because she has a life of her own, but in the 3 or 4 hours she is on [maybe more] she does her best to make sure the server is stable. Laura_or_is_it, Laura is very nice, she, like pile, is a great moderator. She sees a lot of reports, helps out on the servers [games] she plays on, and is very fun to be around with. It's really cool how she is from Australia, which means, for most Americans or Western Continents, while we're asleep, she helps out on the server, during her daytime. [Now along with Mineterria] Troy, I don't see him much either, but what I see on his profile, he is usually in BvZ. He is very nice and friendly, and seems to try to respond to many threads. He is helpful not only on the server, but on the forums. I appreciate his work around the server. Gwism. He likes to goof off a few times, but is also a "pile_of_butts" heheh. He usually stands there for a few minutes [hours] and does his job. I understand he's really good at his job, and although, he might be annoying or likes to kick people for simple things, he is really nice inside and loves his job. Edward Ray. I think, you are by far the youngest Moderator on this server. That is really great, because it shows that cypriotmerks and noobcrew have complete Faith and Trust in you!! I read your Moderator Application and I saw that, Laura supported you, and the next comment was from cypriot, welcoming you to the team. That is seriously fantabulous. You have a great level of maturity and I love how you are very friendly and nice. Darkchyldeone. I don't really know you. How is that possible :c i love meeting and knowing many of the moderators. I've seen you a few times around, You seem like a great moderator, and I hope I get to know you a bit more. Xelnagahunter. I also don't know you :c I've seen you maybe once or twice on the forums, but i haven't seen you on the server. I also think you're a great moderator and you also must help people on the server. Now, to the New Moderators. The 3 of them are my closest friends. I'm glad cypriot accepted them, and are now part of the growing family of Mineverse Moderators. I'm really proud of them, for what they have earned. pokemaniac01. I've got to say, you are an amazing mod. You are probably the only moderator right now, that is really active on Infection. I appreciate that a lot. I'm glad you became my friend. I'm glad you became Moderator!! You really deserved it, and you seem really excited about it. You are a great moderator, in these past few days you've been moderator, you have done a GREAT job! You are an amazing moderator, and cypriot made the right decision into adding you into the family. MrParkourGuy. Man, you are the younger one now, It once again, proves that Cypriot and Crew have complete faith and trust in you. You are an amazing mod, responding to my reports earlier today. I see that you seem a bit nervous when you tempban or ban someone. It's nothing to be afraid of! You're new to it. It's normal to feel like that, but always remember you are doing the right thing to help this server. Mineterria. Mineterria, I saw that you were caught by surprise when you suddenly saw [Mod] next to your name. buddy, you really deserve Moderator. I saw that Laura had complete faith in you, in that paragraph she wrote on your application. You have a high level of maturity for this job. You seem really happy about it, and I'm glad you do. You really deserved it. I don't see you much on the server, in fact i haven't seen you in game with your Moderator status. Once Again, I just wanted to thank you moderators for helping out this beautifully developed server. It has really come to a Great Community, and all thanks to you Moderators And Thank You to @Noobcrew and @CypriotMerks for developing this great server, and making it come alive. Thank You!
I... I don't know what to say. It's great you think I'm trusted, but heck, it's my first days :P and you know, I am a bit nervous if I'm not 100 percent positive I did it right, but I try to hope for the best. Yeah, thank you for the kind words
I think about half an hour? I was watching my TV show while writing this, I think that's estimated though. But I'm also a pretty fast typer :P
Omg thats soo cute, i try to play and help out as much as possible but lately im trying not to fail year 10. I love how you wrote you love me because im australian lol qt <3
Awe <3 Thank you! If I'm afk in game I usually am doing reports. Banning, unbanning, muting or whatever. I love seeing you in game. You are always SO friendly. I'm glad to call you my friend.
I completely agree with everything you said. Moderators work hard for the server to make sure it is good for people to play in and have fun. Thank you for reminding us how great they are, jarryonapples.