So, when i got unbanned, i had to continue [XII] without hacks, and turns out that i FINALLY got Completed rank back. The whole server (parkour only) was supporting me all along, asking for help, finished their parkours, and i just want to thank everyone that was supporting me after i finally got Completed rank back. Also, @Grace Panda <- (idk if it's her) supported me, pushed me and helped me to finally beat 12 for weeks. You can follow her on Twitter: @GabrielleMCMcG. And the whole server supporting me over Completed, it's just a miracle XD Thank you for the support. Sincerely, DylanFIFAHD (DylanPlays), 04/03/15 13:16 (01:16pm).
I didn't hack all along to go to XII, come on! xD, i was frustrated because i couldn't finish XII, started to hack, stopped frustrating, and i got reported and went "Oh shizzly shizzle no...." After i got unbanned, i found a way to finish 12. And i finished it.