Thank you very much Cyp and Noob for giving me, @Yin, @HeyitsAlexa, @Firo3000 and @DjRyan a chance at becoming mods. We wont let you down. For first time mods like Alexa, Yin, djryan and I, today has been amazing (Firo was mod but resigned :P) We have finally gotten the chance to moderate on a server we love. Today was funny and cool. With nooby mods like me asking nooby questions and so on. We also got to ban a few people and mute a few as well. It has been a fun day for all of us. We have dealt with reports, ban appeals, and helped people out on the server. I and all the new mods will never forget this day and how amazing it's been! :D Thank you too every who has supported all of us in our quest to become mod, and most of all, thank you @CypriotMerks and @Noobcrew for giving us this amazing opportunity. :D