Additional note to this, Crew has changed the settings to be: Chests & individual claims: 45 days. All claims: Days inactive: 90. Total claim blocks exception: 5000+ Bonus claim blocks exception: 2000+ I think this is a fair adjustment. I don't think we should go about removing claim expirations entirely as the world has a border & is not infinite. Given that you gain 100 claim blocks per hour of activity, and that claim blocks are also obtainable through quest points, it'd be a rather fair assumption to say at least most of the players who've ever somewhat actively played survival could likely go past 90 days of inactivity without even needing to worry about losing their claims. The expiration's main purpose is to clear individual chests & small claims around the world from players who played for ~an hour and never came back online. I'm sure some of you can say you've found some abandoned chests with a bit of loot in it from a player who'd never know they lost it. With these adjustments especially; I think this is perfect to do the job it's designed to do without taking away from players who'd be sad to see their claims lost. Feel free to let me know of any other adjustments you'd think would be efficient to this system.
The maximum amount you can acquire from being online is 2000. It should display your amount of claim blocks by doing /claimslist