Tell Everyone All About Your Craziest Dreams! Hello there everyone! Alright so last night I had one of the craziest dreams. Alright so here's how it went down. I was checking out this car, and the owner came out of the car. He started yelling at me, and didn't want me looking at it. I apologized, and decided to walk away. The man started to run at me, and I started to run. There was this busy road that had a HUGE drop, and so the man tried to kill me. He pushed me off, and I rolled off the road down the hill. He came down, and was coming to kill me, but this man came out of his car, and started to beat up the man, and I ran away. That was one of them. Here's another dream I was very scared of when I woke up. So as many of you know, a movie called purge is when you're allowed to break the rules for 12 hours. That was an actual thing in my dream, except only one killer. So it was me, my brother, and some friends. We were in my house closing off, creating barriers for the guy not to spot us. The guy would check every house, and if he didn't spot anyone, no one would die. Right, so the guy was in my backyard when we were making the barrier for the kitchen window. He broke the window, and started shooting. My brother, and friend both were being complete psychos, and took some shots from the guy, and I ran back up stairs to go back to my room. Everyone was at my room waiting to hide. My brother and friend died. I ran up stairs, locked the door, and we pushed my dresser to the door so the guy can't push the door open. So we were hiding, and then we heard the guy saying back to the walkie-talkie saying "everyone is dead, no one is alive." Then I looked outside the window thinking he was gone, he looked at me, and then I looked back to make sure he was gone. He sure as hell wasn't, and looked me dead in the eye. Then I peaked a little bit more, and then I heard him saying "we found the last ones." Then I woke up. Right those were two of the craziest dreams I've ever had. It would be great if you guys kindly shared some of your craziest dreams. Thank you for reading!
I remember I was at school and we had science and then the teacher has this dog on the table and talks about adaption but we just walk out and we see this bulldozer destroying the staff room and yeah I woke up
dang don't you just love waking up when something bad is happening? im having a hard time understanding that
actually it was pretty lit I mean when u have a dream you don't remember everything and most of the scenery is just a blur, so it could be the canteen for all I know which would be bad the canteen has like margaritas and iced tea so yeah that'd be bad
#1 - i was playing outside with a jump rope and the plumber came and tied me up and brought me to the mail chute and threw me in it #2 - i was in a cornfield except the corn stalks were endermen #3 - i keep appearing at this park in like all of my dreams #4 - i was drunk in my dream and my goD
idk but wet dreams are pretty crazy the dislike button can be found here-----------------------------------------V
I was running away from a black guy and I tried to climb over a fence to get away but he pulled me back down. Then he lead me to this room (idk y i followed), and made me face a wall. And afterwards it kinda felt like he was slapping me with a warm wet towel, but i turned around and the guy was holding an oversized sword and then i woke up the end
During a sleep paralysis 'session' I had encountered weeks ago, in my dream my cat managed to open my closed door and strangle me.
This was like a loooooong time ago, and it's defiantly not my craziest dream, I just forget most of my other ones. Anyway, you know those reindeer decorations that are like made out of white wired lights and they are pretty big. I had a dream that those reindeer decorations were trying to take over the world. I was in a workshop, hiding behind a huge bolder while the reindeer forced people some weird convaterbelts and those people where made into those reindeer decorations. I was so scared of that dream, I remember hiding behind my couch when I woke up because I was scared they where going to get me. (I was like 7)