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  • NA Teeeb | Mod App | 3.0

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by Teeeb, Apr 4, 2016.


    can she be mod

    1. no

    2. yes

    3. maybe

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    1. notmenopedefinetelynotme

      notmenopedefinetelynotme Experienced Member

      Sep 12, 2015
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      Neutral, leaning towards no support.

      - The other day we were playing bedwars and you were boasting.
      - In that same game, you were being rude towards other people.
      - You get to into it and start swearing and starting a flame war.
    2. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      My mom taught me when I was little not to boast, so you're making stuff up.
      I would love to see proof though.
      Also you openly harassed me as well as being a jerk lol.
    3. Jubba

      Jubba Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      Changing to neutral. I'd like to see you in-game more and you should work on your attitude a bit more as whenever I do see you in-game you're quite aggressive I'll say.
      However this can change.
      Good luck.
    4. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I honestly think it is just timezones. I try to be on each gamemode for at least 1 hour a day, and less for the ones no one plays on.

      I usually don't even talk in chat in-game so no idea how I come out as aggressive..
    5. Jubba

      Jubba Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      On Forums you can aggressive as well but I've noticed that you're trying to change and I appreciate that.
      I live in France and I'm online pretty much all the time. Mostly on "OPPvP", "Kit PvP", "Infection", "Sky Block" and "Factions" so I'll look out for you next time.
    6. Delusionous

      Delusionous Active Member

      Jun 29, 2016
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    7. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I'm usually on OP a little bit maybe 15-25 mins, it's not really my thing. Kitpvp for more like 15 mins, again I really don't enjoy PvPing. Infection for like 1 hour, I love infection. Skyblock is glitched for me, I can't make an island or use any commands, so I am never on Skyblock. Factions is too boring for me.. :/ I'm mostly on Survival & Hellblock.
    8. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Thanks :)
    9. Freakface

      Freakface Well-Known Member

      Dec 13, 2014
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      -Never seen you in game before :/
      -If you really are changing then that would make things more positive
    10. TeamTyler

      TeamTyler Experienced Member

      Jan 27, 2016
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      I'm sorry, I know you're trying to change your attitude WHILE applying, but to be honest you should change your attitude BEFORE applying. This is just my thought on this. You're generally nice, but also a little rude sometimes.

      Just because your mom teaches you something doesn't mean you're going to end up following it, even though you should. I know that you don't boast however. Neutral now.
    11. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      Okay thanks I guess
    12. Purge

      Purge Boss Member

      Jun 24, 2016
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    13. xX_IDK_Xx

      xX_IDK_Xx Experienced Member

      Sep 26, 2015
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      No Support.
      - Rude (On Forums and In-Game)
      - Trouble handling criticism (Based on Comments)
      - Lack of Consistency for Attitude
      (^^Based on my view and others within the comment section)
      - I do see many supports for you here, however, there are also many people that have given no support with valid reasons.
      - This application was posted on April 4, 2016 and you stated:
      I don't know you personally, but based on the comments here and on various other threads, it seems like you haven't changed much... or at least, not enough to handle the position of a Moderator.
      (A few impressions from some of the comments; I'm not trying to be a hater, I just wanted to point out a few of the comments that led me to this conclusion.)
      I don't think this is something a Moderator should be saying, nor is this a mindset of someone that would follow the rules and use commands only when necessary. Your attitude also isn't very open to other viewpoints and critique here.
      I understand that you were defending yourself here, but pointing fingers doesn't seem very responsible in this situation, even if you were saying Elrak wasn't bad.
      First off, this comment is quite rude. Secondly, there are a lot of people, both as a moderator and as a regular member, that don't know you well and can only base their opinions off of what information is available to them. It seems very closed-minded to act like their impression of you is invalid just because they haven't spoken to you as much as other people.
      Rather than picking out all the rude responses/comments here, I'll just summarize them as needing improvement still. (Note: I quoted older comments here, however, some of the newer comments reflect similar behavior... I simply haven't quoted them to avoid redundancy.)
      Since I shared my opinion of my negative impressions of you, I think it's only fair that I share some positive ones as well. :)
      Finding the problem, I think, is an important step towards change and shows effort here.
      Making an effort to help other players reveals helpful and friendly traits that are important for moderators and the community in general. (Maybe you could have said this in a kinder fashion though. ^_^)
      Owing up to your mistakes shows responsibility and an effort to change.
      Improved maturity here.
      That sums up my feedback for this application. If I see consistent improvement over a lengthy period of time, I may change to Support. :)
      Again, this is based off the information available to me since I don't know you personally.

      Quick note: May want to update this on your application:
    14. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I barely talk in chat in-game, so honestly confused how I am rude..

      Before you come on my application like a know-it-all, how about you not quote things that are months old. I have changed from mostly everything you are quoting.

      And thanks for the positive stuff, means a lot.
    15. xX_IDK_Xx

      xX_IDK_Xx Experienced Member

      Sep 26, 2015
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      > I'm referring to the times I have seen you in -game.
      > I'm not trying to be a know-it-all, but as I have stated multiple times, I don't know you personally, so using quotes is as close as I can come to accurate feedback.
      > No problem. :)
    16. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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    17. speedybuilder100

      speedybuilder100 Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2015
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      So we will break this down.
      This will determine my Support, Neutral, or No Support.
      + is good
      - is bad

      Thanks for clicking on my moderator app. My name is Hannah, most of you guys know me as Valixta. I am a former moderator from this amazing server. This past year has been rough for me on here, and my attitude changed for the worse. I didn’t like who I was known as, and you guys probably think I am no different from what I was a week ago. But you’re wrong, because over the last 2 weeks, with the help of a few close friends and some not so close friends, I have gathered the courage to reapply because I believe that I can change my attitude. I want to try again, and I want a second chance. I have no idea what caused my attitude change, and I don’t need to find out. That person is beyond me, and I will never be like them again. So please, read this application, and whether you support or don’t, please understand that it means an awful lot that you clicked on this and took the time to read it. I love you guys so much, and you deserve better.

      How old are you?
      I'm currently 16 years old.

      "you deserve better" How do we deserve better, please explain. -2
      Good Grammar +2

      I am confused, you were bad person 1 week ago, but over last 2 weeks people have been helping you. -1 (Confusion).

      Your in-game name?
      My current username is Teeeb. I’ve changed my names quite a bit, so here is a link to all my name changes in the past. https://namemc.com/s?Teeeb

      What timezone are you in?
      My timezone is UTC-05:00 or Eastern Standard Time.

      Thank you for not saying all of your usernames. +1
      Good Grammar +1
      THIS SECTION: +2

      What country do you live in?
      I currently reside in the United States of America.

      What languages do you speak?
      My first two languages were Norwegian & English. I'm fluent in those two, and Spanish.

      Do you have 2fa enabled?
      Yes, I do.
      Good Grammar +1
      What about Spanish? Explain. -2
      THIS SECTION: -1

      Do you have the necessary means of capturing evidence?
      Yes, I do. I use Gyazo for screenshots, and Camtasia Studio 12 for recording.

      Why do you think you should become a mod?
      I believe I should become a moderator because I am..

      I am patient.
      I don’t like being rushed, but I can handle it like a mature person. If someone needs help with something and they take a while to show me what it is, I can calmly sit and relax. I won’t stress out and get mad, and if I feel myself getting mad, i’ll step away from the computer.

      I am not bias.
      I don't like it when I get punished based on if the moderator doesn't like me. I was never a bias person when I was mod. I banned at least 14 of my friends, and they weren't pleased. I hate it when moderators ban people and punish people based off their liking, and I don't like seeing it happen, so I won't be a bias moderator.

      I am a fast typer.
      I am in a hard English class in school, which requires a lot of typing and writing. This means I will be able to respond faster.

      I can be mature.
      Everyone jokes around and acts immature at some point. But i’m known on here for being extremely immature. I want to change that. Some of you guys have already seen my mature side, but I want everyone to see it. Being mature is much needed for a good moderator, because sometimes situations can get a little crazy, and it’s good to stay calm and be the mature one in the argument.

      I know the commands.
      I am a former moderator/guard from this server, meaning I know all of the forum commands and in-game commands. I know how to use all of them properly without abusing.

      I am experienced.
      I probably have more experience than a lot of normal people.

      "bias moderator" so you were saying you never was bias as a moderator, but how about not being a moderator are you bias? -0
      You can't just have your normal immature side, but then in some situations be mature. Moderators have to be mature all the time not just when they want to or they fell like it. -2

      "I know how to use all of them properly without abusing" Isn't that how you got kicked off of the team. Explain. -1
      Good grammar +2
      THIS SECTION: -1

      I moderated on here (mineverse) for a total of about 32 days. I held my position until I got demoted for abuse of commands, and my horrible attitude. Moderating was something I enjoyed, but I messed up and ended up getting demoted. I have learnt from my mistakes, and I won’t make them again if I am promoted.

      I moderated on a lovely ‘Walking Dead’ themed server for about 4-5 months, I can’t remember. This server had about 1k + people on it a day, and the servers were packed every hour of the day. Around mid January however I got grounded. I had no way of contacting the staff team, and I got demoted for inactivity.

      I moderated on CherrieMC for about 2 weeks, back in March 2014. I was first promoted to Moderator, and then Admin. We got about 25+ players per day. Cherrie sadly had to shut her server down due to budget issues.

      I moderated this server for 2 months. I went from Trial-Moderator to Head-Moderator in about a week. We had 200+ players a day, and then the server shut down.

      If proof is needed for all of these positions, it will be provided.

      How do we know you won't make those mistakes again. Explain. -2
      Good Grammar +2

      How long can you be on the server everyday?

      = 6+ hours a day.
      Friday-Saturday = 8+ hours a day.
      Sunday = -2 hours a day.

      How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      I’ve been playing Mineverse since around early October 2013, so almost 3 years.

      Be more specific if you can on the times of the day. Explain. -2
      Good Grammar +1
      THIS SECTION: +1

      Have you ever been banned in the past?

      Forums = I’ve been banned and muted a handful of times, mostly for language, bullying, and rate abuse. My attitude has changed however, and it won’t be happening again.

      In-game = I’ve been banned a depressing amount of times. Mostly for spamming, hacking, and disrespect. I used to hack, but I deleted my hacks, and I don’t spam anymore.

      Do you have any past experience as a Moderator?
      I listed this above.

      Do you meet the requirements for staff?

      Thank you soooo much for reading. Please comment your opinion and a reason. :)

      PS: I made a new application, because I needed a fresh start. :sorry:

      How do we know you changed your behavior. Your behavior seems like a big issue -3
      In the In-game, you said you don't hack or spam, but what about disrespect??? -3
      Good Grammar +2
      Why did you need a new application, a new start? Explain. -2
      THIS SECTION: -6

      Outside of the Application:
      You have 0 Reports on Hackers -3

      Not good attitude (Points given already)
      THIS SECTION: -3

      YOUR SCORE: -9

      Your score is not to bad, atleast you tried.

    18. Teeeb

      Teeeb Senior Moderator Senior Moderator Competition Leader Discord Leader Competition Team

      Mar 14, 2014
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      I had to learn every command by myself because all of the other staff members ignored me. It took a few slip ups but I now know how to properly use every command.

      1. I have multiple reports on hackers, they might be from 2014, but they exist.

      Thanks for this little paragraph I guess? It wasn't really needed... :(
    19. speedybuilder100

      speedybuilder100 Experienced Member

      Sep 27, 2015
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      Why no hacker reports in 2016 or 2016?
      And I can't see what you said that wasn't really needed.
    20. bare

      bare Well-Known Member

      Sep 9, 2015
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      Okay. I recommend you read this thread before you reply to her application.

      You literately judged her application and not her as a person. Personally, I've known her for a hell of a long time, and she's definitely changed.

      She doesn't have 0 reports on hackers, check again. As well, 'not good attitude' isn't a helpful comment. She stated in her application more than once that she is changing herself. At least appreciate the fact that she responded to you politely, and not with the 'attitude' you're speaking about.
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