1. In game name: sangjin2002 2. Rank: Commander 3. How good are u at pvp from a scale from 1-100: 75 4. Do you have skype: Yes (Noah Verlinde) 5. Why do u want to join: I would like to be part of a legit and op team and to have there backs 6. What would u do if ur teammate was about to die: Jump into the fight and distract the person attacking our teammate and get away or die trying but it would be worth it as long as our teammate got way
1. In game name:UncleUrnesto 2. Rank:[Titan] 3. How good are u at pvp from a scale from 1-100: 80 4. Do you have skype: Yes, I don't give it to random people. 5. Why do u want to join: I want to join because I am a loner... 6. What would u do if ur teammate was about to die: I would give them a hug.
Uncle Ernesto since u aren't agreeing to join skype calls with us I'm gonna have to kick u from team pike sowwy:(
In game name: treelegs 2. Rank: Gawd 3. How good are u at pvp from a scale from 1-100: Better then Minky 4. Do you have skype: You have it 5. Why do u want to join: idk 6. What would u do if ur teammate was about to die: uhhhh say im sorry bruh 7. What makes u different from every1 else: im special
1. In game name: Ares_Xena 2. Rank: Titan 3. How good are u at pvp from a scale from 1-100: 75/80(ish). 4. Do you have skype: Yes I have a skype. (Pm me for the name) 5. Why do u want to join: I've never been in a proper team on KitPvP, So perhaps this team could be one. 6. What would u do if ur teammate was about to die: I'd rush to him, and let the enemy focus on me while my friend heals. 7. What makes u different from everyone else: I pay attention to what happens around me, and look out for others during a fight.
1. jedijosiah 2. premium 3. 75 4. I have skype, but i'm gonna make a new one soon heard of mineverse players getting ddosed through it. 5. I like to pvp people tend to want to try to kill me i am good at killing hackers. 6. depends really. 7. I love to shoot people thats how i get most of my kills is i sit in the background murdering with a bow. I can close combat fight, but i'm not the greatest at it. Sadly i can only play weekends unless there is a highschool holiday.