Welcome to Team-NoobKillers Forum clan webpage We work together on Op PvP and Kit PvP Link to our Forum clan website: http://teamnoob-killers-clan.enjin.com/home Link to our Clan server Forums:http://mineworks-kitpvp.enjin.com/forum Our Goal 1. Kill and report hackers. 2. Have lots of fun. Notes Some people on the list did not sign up but they gave me all there info on Skype/ingame. If you are applying for Moderator or Officer Rank I wont get to you straight away. Because however I am Usually quite busy doing stuff for this clan like getting people organised or there might be a couple of people im handling so try to be patient. Another thing is some people don't know what Officer and Moderator Rank is: Moderator: Moderators is basically half-incharge and can let people into the clan. If you Apply For Moderator We will be strict on who and who doesn't get it. It takes quite some responsibility because you need to know who to let in the group and how you can handle being an important person in the group. Team NoobKillers Rules NO hacking of any sort. If caught, you will be kicked out and Banned from the server. NO scamming fellow players. If you need items, contact other team members. NO abusing, bullying or harassing other players online. NO swearing or any foul language towards players online. NO killing team mates, if you do, you will be kicked and become an "enemy" of the clan. Note: If any of these rules are broken, you might lose your rank and be kicked from the clan. ~ Noobkillers Co-Owner / Mineverse Moderator, mineterria. If you get accepted for mod you will also get promoted on our clan server So this is also for our server. If you are applying for a Moderator Please fill out this Template: Your name: Your age: Your Minecraft username: Have you been Banned before on mineverse (If so, explain): Do you have any bans on mineworks? (If so, explain): Past administration or moderation experiences: How would you punish players for breaking the rules?: Why do you believe you are qualified to be a moderator?: In what ways would your presence benefit our staff team?: Do you have the ability to record video?: Do you own a microphone?: How much time a week are you willing to donate to help moderate our forums and servers?: Where are you located? (Time zone): If you would like to apply for Officer Please fill out this Template: Ingame name: Name: Age: How long do you play on mineverse per day? How well do you know the map on kitpvp: Skype: Can you record video: Youtube channel: If you would like to join this clan please fill out the following template. Ingame name: Ingame Rank: Skype: Why would you like to join: If your clan would like to be allies please fill out this template. Clan Name: Clan Owner: (Approximate) Number of people in clan: Noob-Killers Allies Team Derp-PvP- Davisabog The Last Kings- MissPvP_ The Op Noobs Clan- sooperaya Squid Army- Squid X Noob-Killers Members: Owner: BrendanPvP Co-Owner: Mineterria Head-Moderator: DogLord101 Moderator: SkyDiver27 NitroPixel Head-Officer: Mwajeeh250 Officer: mastertuckerks Members: pastyG Cutting4 DerekNyte brotlov LpsRule Rei1230 Besim215 Koolman Deahman187 Enderkid187 Thorns_V Kubasliz jakechao Kirbyo YinMC Layers12 heroicjelly Contact us Brendan: Skype: XBrendaPvPX Email: [email protected] DogLord: Skpe: joel.richards42 Email: [email protected]