What is "Black Ops" Black op's is mostly known as a really popular game all across the globe, some of you may already know about this game and some of you don't, well today I'm gonna be making a team call "black ops", in this team I will be accepting people to become a recruit only if they fill out the format, when they do fill out the format, I will either "accept" or "bye bye", if I accept you, you will be come a recruit and after time if I think you've been a good member or if you've been polite to others in the team or either receive a huge amount of kills, you will rank up to the next position/rank in the team, if I say "goodbye" or "denied" that's automatically means that you are not accepted to the team. What are the ranks in this team? The first one will automatically be recruit, Then if I promote you, you will become a "Private/Pvt, Then after that you will become a "Corporal/Cpl, After that you will become a "Sergent/Sgt, And last but not least "Captain, You will only receive those ranks besides recruit when I feel like you should be promoted, also this is just a tip for ranking up, but if you want to rank up, you must show me that your active, nice to others, and good at PVP. What is the format? Finally but not least, the format. Your in-game name: What rank are you (donator rank or any other): What do you think your PVP skills are out of 10 (please be honest, I don't care if your a bad pvper, I just want to know.) Comments: Our key point: Please repeat this after me, I am a soldier I will be loyal to my fellow brothers and sisters I will treat everyone the same, no matter what If someone goes down, I will stay to help We are all family, you just don't know it yet We also will be moving our headquarters to Factions as soon as I get everything running, also we'll move the team to survival to. Team members! Muss2209 [Captain/Cpt Kubasliz [Recruit/Rct] Skydiver27 [Captain/Cpt] Magiicx_ [Captain/Cpt] Ducky [Captain/Cpt]
Your in-game name: Muss2209 What rank are you (donator rank or any other): I'm rank commander (ill be getting rank mvp though) What do you think your PVP skills are out of 10 Really good, I'm sorry Im not allowed to tell my pvp skills
Your in-game name: Kubasliz What rank are you (donator rank or any other): God What do you think your PVP skills are out of 10 (please be honest, I don't care if your a bad pvper, I just want to know.) 8-9
Accepted, welcome to the team, are you online right now, cause if you are I'll meet you on KitPvp. Accepted, welcome to the team, if your online right now, please head to KitPvp, and we'll discuss about the team!
You two are now official recruits of the team, if you wanna rank up you must get a average of 10 kills, when you do let me know here or in-game, and you'll rank up.
Your in-game name: Skydiver27 What rank are you (donator rank or any other): Commander ' What do you think your PVP skills are out of 10: 9.5/10
Accepted, welcome to the team, you are now a official recruit of the team, to rank up to the next rank you must earn 10 kills, then tell me in-game or on the forums and you'll rank up, by the way I like it how you made it. :D
Congrats, you are now our second Private, now you just need another 10 kills and you'll reach Corporal/Cpl