~Team Avarice~ ~Requirements~ Rank Commander or Higher. At least Full Protection II Armor or Higher on while PvPing with the team at all times. Has to have a Skype Account. ~Rules~ No Hacking at all or Immediate Ban from KitPvP and Kick from Clan. Fighting with other Clan Members will result in suspension. Stealing from Clan Members will result in suspension until given back. Don't lie on your Application. Do not trash talk other Clan Members. Failure to follow these rules will result in kick from Clan. ~How to Apply~ In-Game Name: In-Game Rank: Usual Enchantments on Diamond Armor: Skype Name: Age: Amount of Time you can play Daily: Reason you want to Join: Owner: ViperSanity Co-Owners: God_Of_PvP14, treelegs Memebers: Send Application to Owner or Co-Owner on Skype or Message on here or reply to this thread to join ~Team Avarice~ Owner's Skype: traecinsmith Co-Owners' Skype: godofpvpz, tinybuttkicker We will give you a reply to see if you are accepted or denied.