I'm going to sugar coat this one and be a try hard for positive ratings, so basically your average tbh on these forums.
Omg you're so kind and friendly to everyone. We should totally talk more and be besties! We get on so well together and you're my favourite bae. We should totally Skype wayyy more often!!!!
I've seen you in game and you're soooooo cooooolll. You're really rich on some servers and you're just too funny! We should talk some more OML we are like soul mates!!! You're the BEST and always so nice and lovely in game. WE SHOULD TOTALLY TALK SOME MORE! HMU RN!!!! I don't even know where to start!! When we first met I instantly knew that we would be such good friends, you're so generous on skyblock and everyone loves you! Hmu gurl! We completely rocked your server and you were the BEST OWNER EVER! WE NEED TO START TALKING AGAIN!!!111!!!1!1!!1!1!1 OH MY GOD! You're the best PvPer in the WORLD! Such a great dude in game and the most loved prison player EVER!
I don't know you that well but we should TOTES talk some more! OMG BEST MODERATOR EVER!!1!!1! SO NICE AND KIND AND JUST OMG!! We should Skype sometime, you're just so funny on forums and such a nice guy, I LOVE YOU!