I've been looking around on the forums and a lot of people have asked these questions: "How do I take a Screenshot of my Computer?" "How do I save my computer pictures?" So I've put a little guide to help you out. Part I How to take a Screenshot of your Desktop/Laptop Every keyboard should have Print Screen button. The Print Screen button is found right next to F12, at the top of your keyboard. The Ctrl button should be at bottom left corner of your keyboard, or below your Shift Key. Hold Ctrl and then hit the Print Screen button. Now, your screenshot should be saved. Part II Finding the screenshot and saving it. After doing the steps above, go to Paint. You can search up Paint on Windows and Mac, and it should appear. Open it. After opening it, hold the Ctrl button again, but this time, hit the V Key. Ctrl+V Your picture should now should now show it in paint. You can edit/crop, whatever you want to do with it. After you are done. Go up to File, and hit Save As. You can save it under whatever you want. I made a folder named "Computer Screenshots" just to keep myself organized.' So, there you have it! I hope this Guide helped! I'll be updating it with actual screenshot of how to do it later!