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  • Tag Who Made Your 2016 On MV Great !

    Discussion in 'Off-Topic Archive' started by ImMrStealYoGurt, Dec 30, 2016.

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    1. ImMrStealYoGurt

      ImMrStealYoGurt Experienced Member

      Jan 8, 2016
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      Since New Year is right around the corner I just want to do an appreciation post for those who made my time playing on Mineverse fun and a great experience. So Tag those who made it great!

      @Tigerz- I remember those times where we played together on bedwars, those were the good ol' days. You were one of the people who could keep up with me whenever playing and a competitive friend of mine. I just want to thank you for making my mineverse time a great one. I know we don't talk that much as we use to but I hope we work on that in 2017.

      @MintyFresh- I always looked up to you whenever playing bedwars cause you were one of the best players. We aren't that close but playing against you made it a challenge that I enjoy. You made me excited whenever I would win a game against you cause it was like defeating the "Great" one.

      @unspokenlyrics- Those late night talks will always be a special moment in my heart. I'm sorry for those random outburst I had, if I could go back in time I would change it but sadly I can't. Thank you for everything. #Cake

      @Pastel - You would always confuse me but your sassy and sarcastic personality would always be a highlight of my mineverse days. (LlamaHoe)

      @Sando3- You're a nerd

      @Hurlz- Thanks for making my Mineverse experience great!

      @Sadie- Thanks for making my playtime on mineverse great!

      @HeavenlyFire- I know you're never going to see this because you don't have a forum+we lost contact but thanks for listening to me rant, talk about weird things and overall just be a great person. Without Mineverse I wouldn't have got to know you as well as I do now, you were like the "Queen" of bedwars and I miss the days when we would have late night conversations/calls, where we played truth or dare and I made you jump into the pool at night, for trusting me with your account and for the relationship;) we had. Thank you for that.

      Sorry if I didn't tag you but it's probably because I don't really remember everyone who made my 2016 great, these are just the people I know on the top of my head.

      I want to say Thank You To Everyone In The Mineverse Community for being awesome!
    2. unspokenlyrics

      unspokenlyrics Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      so sweet omg, im glad i had the pleasure to get to know you.
    3. Linux

      Linux Boss Member

      Aug 20, 2014
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      @StaffTeam made it great for me
    4. Arabic Bear

      Arabic Bear Well-Known Member

      Sep 25, 2015
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    5. Maxamul

      Maxamul Boss Member

      Dec 18, 2015
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      Too many people to name.

      But to those people, I would like to thank you for making this a wonderful year for me. Changing me in so many unexpected ways, I remember joining Mineverse as a cocky kid who tended to treat everyone like they were beneath him. So many people have stuck by me when I more than likely didn't deserve it. I want to thank all of those people and apologize to those I've sadly wronged over the course of this amazing year.
      Been great guys.
    6. Stacker7

      Stacker7 Boss Member

      Aug 19, 2014
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      @CypriotMerks for mod
      @Kyra for being my friend and making my year
      @laithothebeast for making the best year ever
      @Tigerz for being awesome
      @RealFoodFast for being fun to talk to
      @Disrespection for being chill
      @CIASnipez for being fun to talk to on ts
      @Bexrs for being cool
      @NoMoreSanity for being nice to me
      @kinsey_kid for getting head mod
      @Pile for welcoming me to the staff team
      @Dyna_Mighty for being nice to me all the time
      @Random for inspiring to apply
      @TradeOffer for being cool
      @AlexHandsLs for being a homie to me.
      @WhyteDuck omg sorry I didn't add you but you are one of my bestfriends and ily <3 I could say much more but I am trying to balance

      and way way more if I didn't add you on here I still love you ;)
      • Like Like x 6
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    7. Andrewswj

      Andrewswj Boss Member

      Jul 21, 2014
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      Definitely! :) Thanks Linux for controlling my Mac.

      @CypriotMerks for Moderator, and Premium later on.
      @Janice999 just keeps me smiling!
      @BlackZone gives me death threats when mentoring me in-game haha xD
      @Alex gives me great mentoring and now, just amazing friendship here!
      @Stacker7 supported me when I got Moderator, and now I'm supporting you bud. You got what you wanted, and you're doing great as a Moderator. Keep it up! :D

      How did you not tag me man xD
      @Dyna_Mighty you know how much I am grateful for you! :)
      @Pile for doing the rodeen and prim impersonations so well
      @MrFishlips for swimming alongside me in his big fish tank

      Essentially the whole staff team I'm grateful for :p
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    8. unspokenlyrics

      unspokenlyrics Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      not usually one for sappy comments, and those of you who i am thankful for, you know who you are. thank you for changing me for the better and loving me unconditionally no matter how annoying and difficult i become <3
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    9. sircorgi

      sircorgi Boss Member

      Nov 28, 2014
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      @Tigerz you know I'm right, just, you know.
    10. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      @Unicows - you guys have been great even though I didn't really meet most of you till recently but you are all super fun and honestly probably some of the funniest people on MV.

      @Colby! - Do I really need to say anything? You've been amazing and I love you.

      @WhyteDuck - Ok my best best best friend on MV like what you sent me on insta we kinda just "clicked." You've been an amazing friend, always there for me when I have needed someone, always there to offer advice, always there to call me a noob c:, always there to make me laugh so thanks so much my dude <3

      @TheStaffTeam - it was so great working with you guys before I resigned. Everyone thinks you are so serious and scary but you are really not, you are the nicest and the funniest people and you are all great at what you do <3

      To everyone else, thankyou for all the memories and the fun times. Mineverse has become a second home to me and I consider you all my family so thankyou : )
      • Like Like x 1
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    11. Tigerz

      Tigerz Boss Member

      Mar 20, 2016
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      Pls let this be the only thread if there are like 16 ima kms

      @unspokenlyrics thank you for all the old bw times when we were super close in beds, it was so fun. Btw you suck at 8 ball

      @taju hotdogh idk how I forgot you lmao. We've been friends since right around when I was applying and it's been really nice getting to know you

      @Stacker7 oh come on don't get butt hurt. Dude ur like really funny and nice. Ts is always super fun when ur there

      @Sando3 Lmao u suck jk ily <3

      @pxndicorn lmao ur funny and dislike me but I'm putting you here anyways

      @ImMrStealYoGurt tb to the old bw times, that was so fun haha. Come back pls

      @TradeOffer ur cool I guess ;)

      @Random only putting you here so you're next to Kyle. Jk but really poke wars were v fun. You're also chill and really funny. Hope we stay in touch ninja! #Appeal

      @Disrespection ts is really fun with you. I remember we went through your files once, I'm still scarred.

      @Istealyourkill lol hi nicha I remember the bw times with Rico but then you both ditched me and played archer

      @Auzzi I'm friends with an Australian that's pretty chill. But fr you're always funny and chill in Skype calls eVeN tHoUgH yOu LoSt OuR StReAk

      @BlackZone saw rouge 1 w/o u loser

      @Colby! even though we don't talk anymore when we got promoted together we were chill

      @Kenju lmao get sober

      @Griff noob leave but ts is cool like when I beat you 3 times in a row in a 1v1

      @Ant_Pearl stop hacking

      @Resign stop beating me

      @TheNiceSnake NOOB! Why'd you get me banned huh

      @MintyFresh bc ur like really cool and we've gone through so much ily no homo ur like one of the bw ogs and really cool even though you hated me and almost got me banned

      @Wolfie GIMME DAT

      @Baby stop ur autoclicking

      @Bexrs lmao ily for not exposing me

      @RealFoodFast our promo wave :cool:

      @Crazytaco ily

      @Primitive i guess ur cool

      @Connor_ tea parties are lit even though we haven't done one in forever smh.

      @Elliot Love is in the air ey ;)

      @GbDuck "how'd I fall off the edge"

      @Methylone ty for getting me promoted

      @rebornn @leafu bffs 5ever bbs

      @Pile @Dyna_Mighty @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew ty for letting me help out your server!

      That was too long I'm sorry
      • Like Like x 3
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    12. amli

      amli Boss Member

      Apr 13, 2016
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      YOU are the one that lost our streak!!!!!!11

      EDIT: all you ever send is black screens!!!! I don't want no streak with you ;-; @Sando3
    13. Istealyourkill

      Istealyourkill Experienced Member

      May 4, 2016
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      Thanksgiving v2
    14. pandi

      pandi Well-Known Member

      Jun 11, 2016
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      nah i wouldnt use the word "dislike"

      but tbh only person i actually like around here is @unspokenlyrics, d8 me
    15. unspokenlyrics

      unspokenlyrics Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      but tbh only person i actually like around here is @unspokenlyrics, d8 me[/QUOTE]

      get rektttt brettt. hmu on sc with those pics bb ;)
    16. Syndicade

      Syndicade Boss Member

      Sep 10, 2015
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      Thank y'all for being there for me, despite my many flaws and me going through depression. You guys mean a lot to me, and you're all such wonderful people which I'm more than glad to have met. C: <3

      And yeah, @Janice999, I know we don't talk really since you're always busy, but you're such a great person and a nice friend. :)

      @Alex thank you for helping me through last summer. You taught me a lot of confidence, and I shared some nice memories with you.
    17. Veronica

      Veronica Boss Member

      May 28, 2016
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      @Kyra - love you and every day that i have spoken to you i cherish, even though im a dumbie at times, you still love me.

      @CIASnipez - Soooo, you've been a big part of my year and ily ahhh. our good times will always be there and i'll probably never forget them :p ty :)

      @Stacker7 - you've been p good to me and you would complain when you didnt make the staff team. since you got mod we got more closer and ty for being in my year <3

      @Espin - we've been friends for a good amount of time and ily. i may have helped you many times but i just hope i lit up your 2016 <3

      @Bananurz - we're good friends and you help me through my problems and i'm thankful that you were in my year, even though when i thought you were just another salty mod (no offense). you're pretty cool. ty for lighting my 2016

      @Exstatisfy - shelby, you're the realest girl i've seen so far and you're so cool. like we said, you're good at telling stories for like 2 hours straight, love you <3

      @TradeOffer - Kyle, you're pretty much bae and ilyyyyy. you're p cool and im thankful that you're in my 2016. <3

      @Tigerz - you're cool to talk crap with and our snapchats earlier were priceless. i luv you even though you've done dumb things

      @Primitive - you're cool and our snapchats are lit. ty :) <3

      @Random - OMGGGGG. babebebebeb. i love you so very much and im SOOOO thankful you're in my year. glad i can make you smile :D

      @Crazytaco - dddaaaddd. ty for making my 2016 better :) you're a cool person and i dont want you to change. <3

      i'm thankful for everyone that was in my year and i probably wouldn't have made it w/o all of you guys. thank you :) <3
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    18. Kyra

      Kyra Well-Known Member

      Oct 29, 2015
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      I'm grateful for anyone who was apart of my year.

      @AlexHandsLs - Thank you for being the one thing that keeps me grounded. You mean more to me then you realize. I love you. Stay Perfect ❤
      @Disrespection - you made this year nearly unforgettable, not all good, not all bad. I'm glad to be able to end it with you by my side. ❤
      @Syndicade - you made this year eye opening for me, thank you for always being there to drag me out of my sorrows. I love you & I appreciate you so much.
      @Tigerz - I can definitely say you made an impact on this year, I'm glad to have been friends with you for the time we were. Ill never forget our long skype calls for hours on end. You're a good mod, good luck with 2017.
      @Primitive - You were always fun to have a laugh with, also glad to have been friends with you for the short time we were. Good luck in life.
      @Sando3 - Same as Tigger & Prim.
      @Crazytaco - thank you for everything. You're a true friend & I'll never forget you or anything you've done for me.
      @Random - I'm glad to be able to say we're friends, even though it was towards the end of the year. I love you still ❤
      @Bexrs - thank you for making op harder for me. I hate you<3
      @Griff - thank you for always being there for me. Ily.
      @unspokenlyrics - I miss you, you've always been a joy to talk to, and I miss the arguments between Pandi & you.
      @pxndicorn - Thank you for blessing me with your beautiful instagram, very aesthetic. Hope life treats you well love, you deserve it.❤
      @Stacker7 - Honestly where would you be without me?(; jk I'm glad to be able to call you one of my good friends. Thank you for being there when I can't sleep.
      @CIASnipez - You're always hilarious, thank you for cheering me up often. Thank you for ending 2016 with me.
      @Auzzi - Thank you for being in my life for the short time you were. You were always nice & sweet to me. Keep your head up beautiful.❤
      @Baby - thank you for all the laughs at your cringey jokes. I'm glad to be able to say you're one of the best crib mates ever.:)
      @ItsSniiper - Although your impact on my 2016, is small. I'm glad to be able to get to know you while I did. Life works in mysterious ways, good luck fam.
      @TradeOffer - Kyle, we haven't been close lately. But thank you for making my 2016 better. I hope life's treating you well. Ily❤.
      @Sparky - Thank you for being a wonderful person & a wonderful sim. Keep your head up, we don't want that tiara to fall ❤.
      @taju - Hannah, thank you for all the silly laughs and thank you for always randomly messaging me, it keeps me up to date on your life (;❤. Glad to be able to take you into 2017 with me.
      @Elephantlovr33X - thank you for everything, to the late night archer days & to the late night building fazes on that one server. I'll never forget you or our memories ❤.
      @Joobii - Thank you for being on creative that one time you saved me from a stroke of boredom, I love you. I'm so happy we'll being doing something together *cough* ❤
      @Bananurz - Sadly enough, I'm grateful to be able to call you a friend of mine. Hope life goes well for you.

      If I forgot anyone I apologize, I love you all❤
      • Like Like x 1
      Last edited: Dec 30, 2016
    19. unspokenlyrics

      unspokenlyrics Experienced Member

      May 23, 2016
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      i miss you too, i love you sm, thank youu <3
    20. Alana

      Alana Well-Known Member

      Sep 11, 2015
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      Im too lazy to make my list rn, so ill just make it tomorrow xd
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