'Sup btw don't say "i dont really know you but tbh you seem pretty cool" all i've said was sup it gets me triggered
hi I don't know you that well but you're pretty chill & laid back. You and Kyra are like a thing so that like automatically makes you awesome I guess? Anyways you're pretty funny on ts and we should talk more. I love you more & most <3 @AlexHandsLs I'm stealing your girl ;). Kyra you never fail to make me laugh or smile because you're really funny and honestly so relatable. + you're gorg like, share please? I'm going to try and make this long because I know you like long paragraphs and just because you're amazing I'll make this long just for you because I love & care about you <3. I honestly don't know why I hated you at first because like you turned out to be such an incredible person & I hate how I just assumed you would be this annoying girl, like who was I? Honestly I'm glad I actually took the chance to talk to you because well words can't describe you because you're that special. I love you Kyra & please stay the wonderful person you are. <3 I love you auzzi <3 You're really funny on ts because everyone thinks you sound like Alma and you rage over it. I wish time-zones weren't a thing because then we could like talk more. You should buy me tickets to Australia because I've always wanted to go but I guess that can't happen so oh well. You deserve mod because you're super nice & sweet <3 idk you I don't know you sparky but you're honestly so beautiful like, sharing is caring so share some please. I don't really know you but tbh you don't seem pretty cool triggered yet? frett no fear, hotdogh is here! (to give you a tbh) I try my best to trigger you to make you stop talking to me because you're so annoying. JUST KIDDING, but I still try to trigger you for self amusement :'). No, you aren't annoying (take my word for it because you know how many people I think are annoying). Before I knew you I used to try and avoid you whenever you would say hi to me in-game (LOL no offense). (when you were TiGeRzFtW n like no rank if you were confused). But tbh you're pretty chill and funny & you need to talk to me. If you don't I will give you the belt Spoiler alert: Eleven dies on stranger things are you crying yet because I cried Tbh, you're pretty chill & funny. It's nice to have small chats with you because you always get what I'm saying even if you hate the music I like and you probably want to punch me for it but oh well.
Old forums names: ASF_MAFIA,_Optifinee,Mr.Ducky and DrkfirebirdJr Whew, damn, do I need to copy and paste this every time I need to say this xD