I know I give you a lot of crap, but I only do it because I genuinely feel you have potential to blossom into a good person. You have made mistakes but are modest enough to admit them unlike many others who populate this server - and you don't make me want to disembowl a baby sea turtle out of anger as other's seem to feel about you. We haven't talked other than you believing the oversized exaggerated rumors about me without giving them much thought or consideration. Leading me to believe you aren't anything but a mindless sheep following what you are told w/o question. In the few times we've talked you've been pretty nice. See @Benko's We haven't talked much in the past other than playing Skyblock on Skywars which ranks among my best experiences easily on Mineverse. But you are very good consolation when needed. We haven't spoken to eachother much, but you have excellent music taste. Come off as condescending at times imo. We don't talk much, but I can connect with you a lot because you come off as a very relaxed person so our conversations were always enjoyable.