"SYN" CLAN, official members, ALL our members will be playing in OpPvp - Members - 1. ProStrafez_/SynPatchy If you'd like to have a clan war with us, msg ProStrafez_ 2.ILoveKyra/SynPinger 3.Felycia1998 4.YouGetDropped 5._Tiqr 6.Flqke 7.K0rdic 8.ItzMark_0410 9.RentPvp 10.Pujz 11.iMoveovr *cheetahburger and jessica1302 are official clan members but they do not participate in clan wars. WE ARE NOT RECRUITING ANYMORE, SO PLEASE DO NOT ASK US. Thank you.
Try Rax's out there bad though stef and taka and shonal and more. But if you recruit some day I would like too join I'm usually on op pvp.
This thread should me moved to Clan Recruitment > OP PvP and if wished to be archived, noted by the creator. @Janice999 @Pulchritudinous