I have decided to move gamemodes. You will be seeing be a lot more on Infection and almost never on OPPrison. For a few reasons, number one I had 128T and it was glitched out I just logged on and I had $0. Number two, I hate all the scammers and they ruin it for everyone. Also lots of my friends have started playing less which is kind of sad for me. I'm 1stSgt on Infection and Zeus on OPPrison. Now I'm not sure what I'll do with my valuables on OPPrison. I have around 200T worth of stuff on there. Now maybe Ill start to play OPPrison again once I settle down but I can't be 100% sure. @SecuredMC (Mike) So I know I owe you 450t but I'm not sure if I can pay it back. If you want to discuss further just poke me on here or Ill check for you on the /friends.
@DarkBrandon hope you know If you cant pay me back by 12/11/16 then im going to have to report you....
Mike. Look I'm going to quit and I don't think I will be able to pay you back BUT if you want to talk some more I have some things I can give you on OPPrison