Okay, hello. Recently, my brother had went into the corrupted chunk and now cannot get back into Survival. You may be saying: "well there are multiple threads out there explaining the situation, go look at that." My response to that is: None of that is working. I have bought the trip to spawn: that isn't working. I've tried going onto MineChat and getting him on: his and my accounts are not working when logging on. I have tried many times to change his password, and it is still not letting him get on. I am now trying to log onto his account, and nothing is working. Does anyone have a solution to help out, if there is any? Please respond fast, thanks so much if you can.
I explained in the thread that I have tried both the buying to spawn and the MineChat method, it's not letting me log back into his account, and his password is not working. I'm deeply afraid that someone is going to use the email and password
How would I check that? Sorry, I never had to check the speed and ping. I'm looking up the ping and speed, and it's showing me tests. Would I have to take one of those?
I honestly don't know how to help you. When I was in mordor before, I bought a tp to spawn and it worked. Unless you could somehow lag out of the chunk with horrible ping so you don't get kicked... *On a side note, how did someone even set mordor in the first place?*
It's not even letting me log onto his account: the password isn't working and I've reset it more than 5 times in an hour. Each time I try it, it's not working and I'm just super worried. And true actually, maybe it was before the chunk became corrupted?
For the account: Mojang temporarily locks accounts after a certain amount of password changes within a short period of time. You can either: A - contact Mojang B - wait a few hours and try the passwords again
^ Yeah but he died when he was there, that's why he cant respawn. French, you can log to mineverse right? but not to survival? Also you may try speedtest.
I don't trust the speedtest, but I can just say by experience that my ping and internet speed is good. Even if it is good(or bad, if it's needed), it's not letting me log onto his account and we can't reset his password anymore(as what my mother said.)
Welp, you will have to wait untill you regain access Someone tpd him there and pushed him to le chunk.
If there's the possibility that I don't regain access, should I contact the Mojang Support Team about the issue? Also, is there the possibility that someone could be hacking his account and getting personal information? Sorry for all of the questions, I'm just extremely worried about everything.