Introduction. Are you board out of you're mind sometimes when playing Survival? We found a great place for you! Come join our awesome Sky Diving club! It has 6 Jumping Spots! Its cheap, fun and Awesome! So wait are you waiting for Come and join us! Payment. Well because i'm only Premium I made it that you have to pay, but don't worry its Very Cheap. If you are poor on Survival I think still you could afford it. Payment IGM (In game money): 10Jumps - $25 25Jumps $55 Infinite - $120 So this is not that much. Clan Staff. Owner - ThePLCookie Co-Owner - Bnraiff Head-Moderator - Ares_Xena Moderator - Skydiver27 Moderator - UncleUrnestro Moderator - Sienathebanana Moderator - Jarroyonaples Moderator - Moderator - If the Moderators have an no Name next to the - it means, you can apply for Moderator. ;) Photos and Videos. I would recommend to watch it in HD. Other. I'm pretty Sure @Skydiver27 would like this, Tagging Moderator for quicker Fun. Also the Clan warp is /warp SkyDiving. :D So if you have stuff on you and you don't want to lose it just pay $25 and I will give you a safe storage for you're stuff. Don't worry I don't scam people. Format for Staff. Your In-Game Name: How old are you? What Rank are you? [Don't need to be a Donator] Why would you like to be Staff?
Your In-Game Name: Stand Still and Stay Alive (Skydiver27) How old are you? 15 What Rank are you? Mod Why would you like to be Staff? Idek
Your In-Game Name: Sienathebanana How old are you? 14 What Rank are you? [Don't need to be a Donator] God Why would you like to be Staff? Because I am a banana.
Your In-Game Name: UncleUrnesto How old are you? 13, 14 next Month. What Rank are you? [Don't need to be a Donator] Titan Why would you like to be Staff? I don't want to be a loner :(.
I recently saw you on the forums trying to help people. I think in-game you would be the same. Accepted.
Your In-Game Name: jarroyonaples How old are you? 15 What Rank are you? [Don't need to be a Donator] God Why would you like to be Staff? Because cookies