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  • [Survival] shortgirl02 [Beefy] [Banned] [Scamming]

    Discussion in 'Reports: Banned' started by Super2k, Jul 17, 2014.

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    1. Super2k

      Super2k Active Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      1. Your ingame name: Awesomer31121
      2. The offender's ingame name: shortgirl02 (The 0 is a Zero not an "O")
      3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Well, this story is pretty harsh for me, and I hate how it happened. I was just building in my Town, when all of a sudden a girl named shortgirl02 says in chat "Buying anyone God Rank for 100k! Msg me!" For me, I've always wanted a Donator Rank on Mineverse, but never had the chance to because I can't. I saw this as an opportunity to get a Donor Rank on Mineverse. So when I payed the 100k, she said she "sent the God Rank to my account." I found this really suspicious, because you can't send a Rank to somebody's account. You have to buy it on the Mineverse Shop. So I checked the Recent Donations, and my IGN didn't show up. I got furious. I payed someone 100,00 for a Rank I wasn't receiving. I told her to give it back many times, and she never paid me back my 100,000. Then she started saying "Well, Comicletiggz got 300k by Scamming people off of OptiFine Capes, so scamming is allowed." What?! Scamming is 100% PROHIBITED! I was really disappointed, because my birthday is tomorrow, and I got scammed 100k, left without a Rank. I was really looking forward to getting a Donor Rank, since it was my birthday, but I ended up getting scammed a whole $100,00, and without a Rank. I spent 3 Months getting 100k, and I want my money back. Now, I barely have enough money to buy materials for my future builds. Is there any way at all to get my $100,000 back? or even a Rank? Tomorrow, July 18th, is my Birthday. Please do something, I don't want to be upset on my birthday. If there is some way to retrieve my 100k back, or even get a rank, please do it. Words can't express my disappointment right now. Please, do something about this.
      4. Evidence or Screenshots: I couldn't take a Video, because my Video Recorder was being all glitchy, but I do have screenshots of me paying 100k to her, and asking for it back but not getting it. Please read the Screenshots in selected order, as they tell the story of the situation.

      Attached Files:

    2. Super2k

      Super2k Active Member

      Jul 16, 2014
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      I accidentally attached the wrong file. That's from a different server I play on. My bad. I removed the screenshot as it is 100% unrelated to the topic.
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