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  • [Survival] Riding Bats

    Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Inked_Cat, May 10, 2015.

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    1. Inked_Cat

      Inked_Cat Active Member

      Apr 4, 2014
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      I was making a floating island on survival yesterday and using my pet bat to fly up and place blocks underneath the island. While playing I started getting an error message when trying to use /pet ride command saying I didn't have "[Echobat] Echopet.ride.pet.bat permission needed to do that."

      I can still ride/fly with my pet squid and pet blaze, but they're difficult to control in the air to place blocks. I noticed I was still able to ride my bat on other servers like sky block and /survival2

      I saw the post about hoppers being worked on, does this relate to that and will we be able to ride bats again in survival soon? Thank you in advance!
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