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  • Survival questions

    Discussion in 'Archive' started by pyrodraken, Dec 24, 2013.

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    1. pyrodraken

      pyrodraken Active Member

      Dec 4, 2013
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      Hey i have been playing on survival since it opened up and i have a few questions / suggestions ..
      First one is about horses i have Finally managed to get 2 horses back to my base and started breeding them. I was going to start selling them, however, it keeps saying that the horse belongs to me and it will not allow any one to take them.

      Second is that i have /trusted several ppl to my claims, however, forgot who they were since some stopped playing i was wondering if there was a command to allow us to see who we have trusted to our claims. it would help many players out significantly. I was alos wondering if there was a command that allowed us to see our claims on a grid/map like in factions how you can type /ffmap and get a basic layout of your area and surrounding area .. well if any one has any info please help me out or at the lease lets talk about it to get some attention and get some answers
    2. Buntobaga

      Buntobaga Well-Known Member

      Oct 12, 2013
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      do /trustlist to see people, Thats all I know
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