/sethome This command, pretty self explanatory, allows you to set a home. In which you can later teleport to that home with /home. I'm suggesting that, as a donor perk, you are allowed to set more than 1 home. If you're like me, you like to make a wide range of builds in different areas. Sometimes you may even come across something neat, but you don't want to set a home because then you'll loose your other home. Being that you don't have permission to /sethome on other players' property, I don't see any issue with it. Just in case you weren't already familiar with how you teleport to your homes when you have more than one, I'll give a quick example. /sethome house | /home house /sethome farm | /home farm /sethome cave | /home cave And so on.
Support, but how many homes will Titan get God? You didn't really explain how many homes different donors would get.
That's true. But I would say for non rankers they would get 1, premium should get 2, sponsor should get three, and the list goes on... But each rank would get 1 more /set home than the rank before them
Yeah, I know. I was hoping I'd get some ideas from the replies, because I'm not sure how I'd want it to work.