Yes, one reset wouldn't be good enough, we would need multiple over different periods of time. If you don't think it should be reset multiple times, how about I get some screenshots (adding in later)?
However, a boxed furnace arena doesn't look nice, I would like an official arena where it is CLAIMED, but you can still pvp on it. Wither spawning is disabled. However, the point is the fact that there are so many beacons and nether stars nowadays, that this is becoming the old survival. Luxury items are becoming everyday items, players that have played only a week have beacons, maxed armor, almost everyone has, etc.
My point is .. they're created because fighting the wither is hard and only a few should survive and have it. However, with maxed out gear these days, anyone can kill the wither and beacons aren't RARE anymore.
Here's a few tips, A) Change the subject of a discussion if someone asks about /encahnt. B) Tell that Ares has Titan, he'll enchant. C) Run away.
Or be like me and charge 14k per set of max enchants per set. Then charge another 55k on another guy for a full set (not scamming or anything, they offered that amount)
I absolutely agree with this. I think its not much of a survival game anymore, its turning into OP survival lol. All the titans do /enchant for their friends etc. Although I like being able to do such things, I do not think it is a good fit for a survival base game.