1. Why /heal when you have a strength 2 pot on? 2. Why record yourself getting beat up? 3. You just wussed out from a pvp fight...and recorded yourself...congrats.
Did you even see the vid? I did /home because I wanted to show how they are pvping I would stay but also mega is in /d and riding a chicken. and Mr_B3n is 2v1ing me. Think kk? Also I have loads of strength 2
I just noticed /d is deleted the same with /pet so I will PVP mega and you will see I will kill him/her. :/ But I liked the /d command ;-;
Think.... in 1.10-12 Mega is riding a squid isn't he? The only possible way to kill him is shooting arrows at him, but he would just kill me with his sword it shows he is just pathetic.
Tbh, they are bad at pvp. they do /d chicken so it's hard for us to strafe them. and they're eZ.. Not trying to be mean.
Okay, so you decide to create a thread about this? This is not necessary, nor will I tolerate this. How would you feel if someone created a thread calling you out? It's not very polite of you to do so. If you have anger, go watch YouTube or something. Forums are not here for you to release anger or aggravation upon. Locking and Archiving.