SURVIVAL 1.18.2 (day 1) @mattenphew --------------------------------------------------@Teeeb Spoiler: he literally chopped him @Porky @DeathAuras Spoiler: i want what they have... Spoiler: aw, bonds are even forming Spoiler: beeautiful SERVER BAL TOP DAY 1: thread inspired by @Torch's previous line of work when game modes were reset/released: — Space Prison Sh*tposting Thread | Survival Sh*tposting Thread | Infection sh*tposting Thread
i didn't know there was a minecraft server for this discord THIS JOKE IS ORIGINAL AND WAS NOT CREATED BY ANY OTHER INVDIVIDUAL ON THE PLATFORM
SERVER BALTOP DAY 2: (x2.08 server total since yesterday) (i'm not doing this every day just day 1 and day 2, maybe another once it's been a week) ---------------------------------- Spoiler: all hail plankton Spoiler: idk if they're first but nice Spoiler: this person has been entertaining dear bellamy, im sorry your boyfriend is making out with your mom