I am paying: 3,000,000 (3mil) on OPFactions. 70k on Factions A dub of speed and a dub of strength on OPFactions. $150 on KitPvP with a sharp 5 sword. A voting crate God Helmet and Chestplate on OPFactions. 4 sets of prot 5 armour OPFactions. 9 stacks of Enchanted Gaps OPFactions. 1 sharp 9 OPFactions. 2 stacks of grapples on OPPVP. As many sharp 10's you want on OPPVP. 71$ on OPPVP. 58bil on OPPrison + a kit premium and a omega pick. Now also trading a premium minecraft account code that is un-used. I will give everything up there and maybe more for Supreme. If need be, I can make the offers better. My IGN is Matrix_Mercenary.
I don't have all that much, the only other things I can add are 50$ more and a couple of pieces of prot 2 dia armour...
Bump I have added 1 mil more, and now I am asking for supreme because I Have added a in used mc account code. Also I am now offering 9 stacks of gaps.