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Guys, I don't know what more I can do to get you to help Support me. Plz tell me what i can do better.
No Support, Although I have not played on the server he is applying for. I know the person well IRL. For a start, the name he is using on the forum is not his name. He has also lied about his age. My past experience playing with him leads me to believe that he probably would be good as a staff member on a server, he isn't quite there. To Superman, if you want things like mod on a server, you need to earn it. It takes time, and you need to be trustworthy. Lying about your age, just shows that not everything you say can be trusted.
I don't belong a Server like this, I'm utter SHI* The reason I made it ben Macin was because i tried my Real Name and that didn't work so i thought, stuff that
What do you mean? What about your age? Why did you lie about that? AND you gave my last comment a "Dislike". What do you dislike about it? The fact that it is true?
No Support. I'll list some things on which you can fix. Activeness Kindness Helpfulness Information Detail Experience Maturity Grammar Good luck on your application!