I know most of you may hate this but I think unarmed should be removed from all MCMMO servers on Mineverse because that's all it is in PvP, yesterday I went onto Prison walked into PvP area and got disarmed immediately, there's really no point in having a PvP zone if all you're going to get is disarmed. OPFactions is the same like that, it's just all about disarming your opponent and it's annoying, Faction MCMMO statistics haven't been reset ever since Mineverse has came out.
Tbh I think it adds a bit of skill to fighting, you have to just carry spare swords and "refill" so that you can kill your opponent, also, I can see another point to having it in Prison; disarming Contraband.
It's just boring when people have disarm grip 100% meaning they won't get disarmed. Terrick said it may be removed so I'm bringing it up
Hello Uncle, Could you please list the ups/downs to this suggestion? I'm not much of a (mineverse) Prison player, so I'd like to hear the effects of this suggestion. Thanks, Ares.
He has tags off noob. Unarmed is an mcmmo skill. It means the higher your skill is the better chave you have to force your opponent to drop whatever is in their hand. This is irritating because it's one of the hardest skills to level up so people who have used hacks in the past (mob aura) never got reset and have 300+level so all they do is disarm. People on prison (free rank) get invisibility potions, go invisible and just unarm and you cannot see them or do anything to Prevent it.
I Totaly agree, It adds an element of skill, making you switch between weapons and at points switching and trying to disarm others yourself. No Support sorry.
Well. as soon as you refill, your opponent will switch to his empty hand.. And if you try to eat a golden apple your opponent will switch to his empty hand.. taking the entire stack of apples.. Support though. Its really irritating when all these people do is disarm.
Even ask Uncle, it's impossible to PvP a certain faction because they mob auraed for a week straight causing to to get over 700 unarmed on OP Factions.
i vote that you keep unarmed and just make it so the max level you can get is around 250 which i think has 5% disarm chance but i might be wrong about that i dont really pay attention to it that much :/