Hello, my name is UnknownSouI - Whitey and I'd like to suggest a very useful plugin that'll allow the server to look organized and clean. This plugin is used by many big networks such as this one and I think it is a shame and a waste that Mineverse isn't using it. PlayerZ is a plugin that organizes /list and /who by giving the server an option to make different lists to show the players at /list /who. Instead of having it look like this:http://gyazo.com/33a03f0334066220d92741a790c93cc0 It'll look like this:http://gyazo.com/1775e23af023ea16a50f56a6da57c9bc. In my opinion it's an essential plugin to have on a big network, such as Mineverse. I find the normal look of /list without the plugin being very unorganized and messy. I'm having a hard time finding out who's online like that. If the server wants to show the Members online as well then I guess this plugin is useless to an extent. But if the server wants to show just the staff members online and donators then I'd recommend this plugin. I am unaware of the plugin's download source. I currently have this plugin on my computer but I believe Mineverse's developers know how to get this plugin. I'll be more than glad to upload this plugin somewhere for the developers to validate it and decide if it's needed. Best Regards, UnknownSouI - Whitey.
I like seeing exactly who's online. Perhaps having an option for this or saying whether staff are online regardless?