I was playing on KitPvP and I was by the waterfall at the end of the mineshaft. When I fell down, I enderpearled back up and got stuck in a block. Soon after getting suffocated a lot, it kicked me for "Flying (or related)." Now whenever I get on, I instantly get kicked for "Flying (Or related)." I've tried the /! Command so many times but it doesn't work either. If someone could please help me, I'd love that. I really don't want to die because I have Protection 4 on... Please Help.
This is happening to me right now. Whenever I log in I get kicked for flying because Im suffocating. Could a Mod please tp me and him to spawn or something? This is getting annoying
I tried doing /ct if possible then if you see your combatlog is out spam the jump button (space) and then once you've done that try to /! or /spawn or /jump. -- Regards, Daniel