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  • Story Writing Competition

    Discussion in 'Giveaways & Competitions' started by Chain, Jun 19, 2016.

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    1. CrystalConduct

      CrystalConduct Experienced Member

      Oct 4, 2015
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      .... why hellblock
    2. CrystalConduct

      CrystalConduct Experienced Member

      Oct 4, 2015
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      dun judge meh im bad at engrish

      The Box

      Covered in dust and cobwebs, the box was hidden at the back of the dark damp basement. It was rather large with strange patterns around it. It was old, dusty and left in darkness. I slowly uncovered the hidden secrets of the box and found myself a letter. I picked up the old style letter finding it to be opened, as the seal was already torn. The letter said, ‘To the owner of this house’. In fancy writing it said, ‘through this house, lurks the unwanted. Beware to the owner of the house. Leave immediately. “

      It was a dark wintry night. Even though my candles were alight at night, it was still dark. I peered outside the empty streets trying to get to sleep. I looked at the empty cars. Empty roads. I used my boredom to help me get to sleep. But I couldn’t sleep. I dozed off for a bit until I suddenly woke up.

      Midnight struck. The old clock in the living room struck loudly and echoed the desolate house. Footsteps and whispers came alight. My hands dripped with horrified sweat. I lied petrified in my bed at the sounds in my own house. Scratching on the walls as I heard creaking of unused doors. The lights began to flicker; heavy footsteps hit the fragile wooden floor. It seemed as though the noises gradually stopped. As if the monster had gone. I ran quickly at the doorway my box that I collected from my basement. The note. It lied on top of the box. The paper was warm. I couldn’t believe what I saw. Peoples names imprinted on the paper were written in blood. Chills of hatred and heightened disbelief ran up my back. It was as if I was intoxicated, my unfathomable mind couldn’t comprehend my name imprinted in blood. Suddenly there was a loud bang; I heard loud footsteps of the immortal monster. It groaned, and it was coming towards me fast. I thoughtlessly sprinted quietly to my bed hiding under the covers, to make sure I was well hidden.

      I heard footsteps right outside the door. My bedroom door slightly opened. A shadow appeared at the corner of my eye. The shadow came closer and the candles outside burnt out. I lose my vision only managed to sight an awkwardly shaped human figure standing right in front of my door reaching out towards me with its hideous arms. I was left in perpetual darkness.

      Jason :)
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    3. DuckieDanger

      DuckieDanger Experienced Member

      Dec 27, 2015
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      omg I love it so much it made me cry bc you did this ;-; lovey ou blue I hope your having a great day and life I miss you guys os much and that story should be a book!!!!!
    4. gabby

      gabby Legendary Member

      May 3, 2014
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      This thread has gone inactive more than 30 days. Posting in threads that have gone inactive this long is considered grave digging. Grave digging will result in the thread being locked and possible warning points applied to your account.

      Thread owners may revive their own threads at any time. Feel free to read our forum rules on grave digging. If you disagree with this action, please report this post, and a moderator or administrator will reconsider it.
      Thank you.
    5. Chain

      Chain Prison Warden

      Sep 10, 2015
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      As the creator of this thread I have re-opened it.

      Thank you for the submission, I'll read it later. :)
    6. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      How did he know the monster was immortal?
    7. Vashryl

      Vashryl Experienced Member

      Mar 12, 2014
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      Chain = #1
      (favorite thread)

      plothole errors be like
    8. sitzoum

      sitzoum Experienced Member

      Feb 20, 2014
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    9. Apocalypses

      Apocalypses Builder Builder

      Dec 24, 2015
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      Once there was an ugly barnacle, he was so ugly that everyone died. The end.
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    10. Ruminisque

      Ruminisque Experienced Member

      Jul 18, 2016
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      I was looking through some of my files, and I found a series I wrote when I was nine. I know it's pretty bad, but what can I say, I was only nine.

      "Misery, poverty, and sickness. These things are what await us if we go to save the dwarven kind from the Morakai." At the word many of the men shivered involuntarily. "They are too strong! By know you all know that the darkness that has befallen the land is because of them, can you not see that by helping them we are only hastening our deaths?" Horan was a brave warrior, that I must give him, but I realized that even the noblest can make the wrong choices. At that moment I stepped out of the shadows and slowly strode to the market square. As people noticed me, all noise died down and all that could be heard was the noise of my shoes moving on the cobblestones. "Friends, surely you mean not to forsake our bretheren, surely you do not forget the many times they saved us with not a reward on their part? How could you even consider betraying the trust they have in us. They are our allies, they were our hope when times seemed dark and dreary. I say, we fight! Who is with me?" At first no one spoke, but then a firm "I will" could be heard in the crowd. The group parted so that to man could come through, and he turned out to be a strong, warrior with fair hair and two battle-axes tucked into his belt. When he stepped up onto the stage with me, it gave a boost of courage to everyone in the crowd and almost at once, they ran to prepare themselves for the war. Well, almost everyone. Horan scowled and muttered "Fools, the lot of them," and stalked off. With him gone the square was empty besides me and the warrior, and I knew I must thank him. He was getting ready to prepare for the war, but I managed to catch him and thank him for his efforts. He smirked and replied, "It wasn't for you. I left a battle-axe in one of dwarven forts, and I'd like to retrieve it." And with that, he strode away, leaving me to wonder who this man really was.

      Here's a poem I wrote:

      With scarlet lips and grinning glare
      The Joker's hand is always there
      Phychotic Mind and not a care
      Who knows where the Clown Prince lairs?
      Chalk white skin and deep green hair
      He is one to give a scare
      Of the Joker, you must beware.

      Here's another one:

      With Fiery Eyes and Breath Of Frost
      He Saved the world, but at a cost
      The Man Of Steel's life was lost
      Will he return? No mortal can tell.
      But if the sun rises, Superman will as well.
    11. CrystalConduct

      CrystalConduct Experienced Member

      Oct 4, 2015
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      No one knows this story is meant to be scary.
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