"prEss 49 if u went to join my spunk high school musical zombie horror sex roleplay featuring kim kardashian. need moe woman tho pls join quick!1!1!!!"
How about this,Mods should check around the roleplay before letting it start as it may reduce disgusting or profanity into childrens minds.
McSex is so anonying, chat is spammed by people who are talking about it and when you try to ask them to stop they start throwing insults at you likea 5 year old. There needs to be a way to stop this
But I wanna snuggle.. ;-; I can understand this. I played creative a LOT back then, but left due to so many inappropriate stuff going on. Sure, I could handle it at first, but then it went crazy. Like seriously, people on a game are basically shifting inside another person and call it s*x. It's a game, and it just sickens me to see people doing this. I don't really think there's much harm in Rps, as long as it's appropriate. If we removed Rps, then a lot of people would leave creative. Support. (Besides Rps)
How about this mods will check the roleplays to see if there is anything sexual or not so that We will reduce the kind of chance of it.
Nuetral. Sex is natural, there's nothing wierd asking your parents "What does sex mean". I do support that you maybe do take actions when people are saying sexual things, since there are younger players playing Mineverse.
When your pixels look like a turtle they can be quite... attracting :P Rps with ./local is fine but everything else is ew.