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    Discussion in 'Rant Archive' started by TronicTonic, Apr 8, 2018.

    1. TronicTonic

      TronicTonic Experienced Member

      Nov 12, 2016
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      I just wanted to make this for all the people who post "farewells" because there is too many hackers and make suggestions for the staff to do something, just because I really tire of it. The staff are actually in my opinion, less effective then the players can be. This is why. Hackers are like cockroaches, you get a staff to shine a light on them, and thats when they all scurry away. If a hacker sees someone with moderator rank join, they immediately run away. However, if a player comes and just fights them, then they will assume that the player isn't going to report them and hack to kill them like normal. I know this because I used to hack on Skywars about a year ago, and I don't now. Back then, I had a friend who would come on and hack with me, and whenever we saw a staff in /staff, we wouldn't play, therefore we wouldn't be caught. So basically I am making this to the players to just tell them that if you try to report and do other things. then the hacker can be caught much easier. Information on people doing bannable things also passes to other players easier than it does to staff. I actually caught someone doing something very illegal and bannable, and no one had caught him in at least a few years because no staff could. The point is, I could catch someone the staff couldn't because normal players have a advantage over staff when it comes to catching a hacker. Try to do more reports, and complain about stuff that matters. The only real thing that I have an issue with is ban times, they do not do enough to deter rule breakers. I think perm bans should be more prevalent because people can buy an unban. Thats pretty much it.

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