(Really off topic I just see a lot of staff disrespect nowadays.)Staff ARE doing their job. Reasons to why they aren't responding: They have things to do, family problems, ect. Different Timezones. (The only staff online in my timezone for the most part is Scorvix and Ordi) They are also players, staff also can play the game, ya know. They are helping other players out.* *In another gamemode, or it is taking a while. There aren't that much staff in your timezone. You are bugging the staff.* *Might be to go check reports, asking them repeatedly. Overall, staff are trying their hardest, shoutouts to Scorvix and Ordi for being online for me. Staff cant always be there, there aren't enough staff in all Timezones for helping in all of the different gamemodes. (Please keep this in mind before being obnoxious in the chat.)
well when I was mod I sometimes ignored people because I couldn't be bothered. Also when the months go by it's normal to see mods activity go down because it gets boring.
It's not that the staff don't work hard enough, it's that there isn't enough staff. The staff-player ratio is extremely high so it makes it seem that staff are inactive. A server I used to play had a staff member for every 30 players. This number is more like 150 for mineverse.