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  • StiffEggs's Application[SkyWars][OpFactions]

    Discussion in 'Moderator Applications' started by StiffEggs, Jan 9, 2015.

    1. StiffEggs

      StiffEggs Active Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      1.)How old are you?
      I am 15.

      2.)Your in-game name:

      3.)What timezone are you in?
      UTC-6:00, Central Time.

      4.)What country do you live in?
      United States! I live in Kentucky.

      5.)What languages do you speak?
      English and Spanish.

      6.)Why do you think you should become a mod?
      -When I go to servers, I see a lot of people upset with hackers, like people with No Knockback and Aimbot. I always try to record these hackers by recording and posting ban appeals, but Most of the time I'm with my 2nd computer at my dad's house, so It has a slow FPS, plus The upload speed to upload on YouTube ( My YouTube account is StiffEggs btw) is slow. (0.4 mb/s)

      - Sometimes People have problems and they need help from a mod or an admin, sometimes there are no mods or admins to help. On Creative, sometimes people spam and curse. I would like to take care of these people for everyone to be happy!
      *See Bottom of page for more

      7.)How long can you be active on the server everyday?
      [Sunday and Saturday] On Saturday, I might be on 7-10 hours, from 12:00pm to 11:00pm, on both my mom's or my dad's house. On Sunday, I might be on about 4-7 hours, from 11:00 Pm to 6 or 7 pm
      [Monday-Friday] I would be on from 3:30 to 6 or 7 pm, so about 3 or 4 hours. I have to go to my moms house every night. I get off of school and get my sister as well, then at 6:30 or 7pm, I go to my moms house.
      -I am considering being active, so I can help even more people!

      8.) How long have you been playing Mineverse?
      1 and a half years. I have thought about being mod since I have uploaded YouTube videos.

      9.)Have you ever been banned in the past?

      10.) Do you have any past experience as a moderator?
      I was co-owner for my friend's server, which had about 200 to 275 people on it every day. It shut down it's ip and had another server ip, I didn't bother to look it up.

      What I did on the server was come up with new things to add to the server to make it more enjoyable, I listened to what the people wanted and told the Owner or other people and try to make everyone happy. I would find some hackers, of course banning them. I would moderate chat most of the time, but I had a lot of friends on the server, about 20 from my school and 40 more from other servers, so they might have not spammed or cursed. I was one of the 2 Co-Owners who was in charge of most of the stuff and how people felt with the 5 gamemodes, other Co-Owners, about 5 more, had responsibilities like implementing stuff.

      11.)Which two servers would you like to moderate? (Recommended pick the two servers you play the most)
      I might go for Creative and OpFactions.

      (I was going for Skywars, but no one is there and it is too laggy.)

      *I am:
      • Helpful- I like helping people! When I see a person who needs help, I try to help as best as I can, no matter how hard it is! Helping people makes me feel like I have saved a person from breaking the rules or leaving the game.
      • Considerate- I love everyone on the server very much. I feel like everyone, from mean to nice, and from young to old, should have fun as much fun as I do.
      • Relaxed & Easygoing- I am always calm. I don't have a breaking poitn in my temper, so I am very nice to everyone. I can adapt and work with the changes of the server, rules, or people.
      • Mature & Enthusiastic- I am mature. I can deal alot with people's problems without complaining or arguing about it or argue with another person. I am also enthusiastic. I am enthusiastic when I am at school doing my schoolwork and my homework, or when I am playing Minecraft, or when I do something else. I can put all my effort and try my best on all the work I do, from doing Math homework to making mansions in Minecraft.
      • Inquisitive- When I am doing a project or a paper, I usually gather up on information. I like to have all the info so I can use it later, so when I can be mod, I can teach everybody that I have learned or have figured out.
      • Resourceful & Patient- I can work with alot of things. I have a low end computer with fraps. It is an okay computer with an okay recorder, but, agian, it has a bad upload speed. The average wait time for uploading evidence on a hacker would be 20 minutes just for half a minute. I usually wait this long to have the video uploaded but I don't get angered or anything. I just sit there or play Minecraft.
      Sorry, I had to type it all agian bc I was out for a little while. The forums logged me out and I had lost my changes.
      Probably lost 3 hours of sleep.. Ill be back.. If..

      That is all! You can leave some feedback if you want!
      Last edited: Jan 12, 2015
    2. Tj

      Tj Active Member

      Oct 12, 2014
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      Needs more detail. Good spelling and grammar. Be more active and I might reconsider.
    3. StiffEggs

      StiffEggs Active Member

      Dec 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Ok, Thanks!
      Got back from the mall or something, Editing now!
    4. Majorminor15

      Majorminor15 Experienced Member

      Sep 4, 2014
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      No support. You are lacking info, mainly under the "Why you think you should be mod" section. Also, try expanding information about when you were previously staff. According to your application, you were a Co-Owner of a fairly popular server. Explain what you did when you were staff. Did you moderate chat? Did you do behind the scenes work with console? Were you in charge of a specific part of the server? Applications should be thoroughly detailed and have lots of time and effort put into them. Not trying to sound rude but I could probably produce an application of the same quality within ten minutes. Best of luck.

      Edit: You should also work on activity on the forums.
    5. StiffEggs

      StiffEggs Active Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      Ok, what kind of information should I put under "Why I think I need to be mod"?
    6. Majorminor15

      Majorminor15 Experienced Member

      Sep 4, 2014
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      Look around at other applications. I'm not suggesting you should plagiarize from other applicants, but look at their applications, get an idea of what they did, and try to do something in that type of style but in your own words and descriptions. Most people seem to put characteristics, or certain qualities, about themselves that would make them suited for the position of "Moderator" and make them stand out from other applicants.
      Although most people who apply usually use the same characteristics as everyone else.
    7. StiffEggs

      StiffEggs Active Member

      Dec 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Ok, I'm going to work on it.
      (Edit) I have more details for you guys!
      Last edited: Jan 10, 2015
    8. Chibi

      Chibi Boss Member

      Jun 21, 2014
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      ~You still need to add a lot more details
      ~Be active on forums
      Sorry no support for now
      Good luck :)
    9. StiffEggs

      StiffEggs Active Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      Ok, I'll work on it!
    10. StiffEggs

      StiffEggs Active Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      Anyone else have any more ideas on what I should put?
      Cant Find Any.
    11. Echoed_

      Echoed_ Experienced Member

      Nov 13, 2014
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      Try adding more traits, colors, and details
    12. Majorminor15

      Majorminor15 Experienced Member

      Sep 4, 2014
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      Hello once again. The second draft of your application looks much, much better. Once again, I will refer back to the "Why you think you should be moderator" section, seeing as it is where you need to catch the reader's attention and persuade them to support your application. This section of the application is where I feel most detail and effort should be put in. Some new suggestions I have (Only focused on the "Why you think you should be moderator section." If I feel you need more work with another section of your application, I will edit this or post another reply) :
      • More Traits - As I mentioned before, this section is where you really need to put your best effort in. In my opinion, the traits you chose and the number of traits you selected weren't enough. If you're going to choose simple-minded traits, use many of them.
      • Unique Trait Names - Don't go with simple traits. You want something that will catch the reader's attention right away. "Fair." When I read that, I think, "Yeah just like every other applicant." You want something that will catch my attention and make you unique from the other applicants. I'll take Melgrath's application as an example (Once again, I'm not suggesting you plagiarize. His application is just so fantastic). Melgrath used fantastic traits when describing himself. Each one unique in its own way and I even had to look up the definition for one of them. That's what you should strive to achieve.
      • Separation - Now this obviously isn't too much of a problem for your application regarding the detail within it. I just feel like the reader would have an easier time when going through your traits if you gave a separate space for each trait containing their description. (Once again I suggest looking at some other applications if you are unsure what I am talking about). For me, this isn't too much of a big deal but I know the community on here is very picky when it comes to supporting an application.
      • Better Explanations - As I mentioned before, each trait should have a paragraph to it. Now I know in some schools there is different expectations for the required sentences needed for it to be called a paragraph. In my Honors English class, 6-9 sentences is required for it to be a paragraph; however, in my World History class, 3-5 sentences is the required amount for a paragraph. To me, as long as you are straight and to the point, I'll like it. Most people like when the applicant puts in what is known as, "fluff." If you are unaware of what "fluff" is or you have a different name for it, I'll quickly summarize it. "Fluff" is when the writer basically repeats what he, or she, is saying but in different words. Fluff is used to make something seem longer and more detailed than what it originally is. Once again, I like it when it's straight and to the point, but I've seen people get no support on an application and some of the suggestions for the applicant was to add fluff.
      That's all I have, suggestion wise, right now. As stated before, if I think of anything else, I'll be sure to let you know. I'm sticking with my no support for now, sorry. Best of luck and I'm hoping to see some good improvement with your third draft. :)
    13. StiffEggs

      StiffEggs Active Member

      Dec 5, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Ok, done with my 3rd draft. Getting ready to do my 4th tommorrow.. An hour spent just to have it all unchanged, so I might start the 4th tommorow. Gewd Nite ppls
      [Edit:5 seconds l8r] Its 1:12
    14. BlackZone

      BlackZone Boss Member

      Aug 23, 2014
      Likes Received:
      Coolest has explained it
    15. 3yerrt

      3yerrt Experienced Member

      Feb 7, 2014
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      Edited the title so it includes OPFactions. :)
    16. Mega_

      Mega_ Boss Member

      Aug 1, 2014
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      No support. You gain my support if i see you on opfactions. I play that for 5 hours on weekdays and all day on a weekend and i have never seen you in game.
    17. StiffEggs

      StiffEggs Active Member

      Dec 5, 2014
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      kk, Different Time zones Maybe?
      You haven't Played In 5 Hours today, I was just wondering

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