Step By Step, Simple Guide to Collecting All the Evidence You Need to Report a Player I'm making this thread to help all the players who make threads ranting about how they hate that there are tons of hackers on Mineverse (and just for anyone who needs help with this). Making a thread sharing your rage with everyone on the forums is not going to get rid of the hackers, but this is; so let's get into it. To fill out a report here on the forums, you need the player (who broke the rules's) in-game name. You also need to know what rule they broke and you need to have some evidence showing (clearly) that they actually did break that rule. So... FOR HACKERS AND SCAMMERS: Record them. Do this immediately after you've realized they're hacking/scamming (you don't want them to log off). You can use this website here. It's free to download the recording software and it runs smoothly and in good quality. Anyone can use this. Once you've recorded them, you need to upload the video to one of the following websites: Dailymotion Facebook Liveleak Metacafe Vimeo YouTube I personally like to use Dailymotion. It's super fast and I don't like having videos of people hacking on my YouTube channel. So, once you've recorded the hacking player and uploaded the evidence, go to this section of the forum: click me. Click "Post A New Thread". Fill out the template: Your ingame name: The offender's exact ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Evidence/full screenshots. To get the video in to your thread, click the small movie film icon. It's up in the bar where you can select the size and color of your font. When it asks you for a link, paste the link of the video there. That should put the video in the thread directly. Then, you can post it and wait for a moderator to see it. IF THEY ARE DOING ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: Impersonating a Staff Member Griefing Advertising (Exceptions include Twitch channels, Youtube channels, Crew's other servers) Releasing Private Information Blackmailing Threatening (DDos or otherwise) Harassing TPA Trapping/Death Traps Trolling Exploiting If they are doing any of the above things, they are breaking official Mineverse rules. These things can be proven with just screenshots. To take a screenshot in-game, press F2 on your keyboard or FN + F2 if you're on a Mac. It will say "Saved screenshot as [date and time].png". You can click on the date and time to go to where the screenshot is saved. Then, you have to upload the screenshot. To upload to the screenshot, go to this website. Click "New Post" and upload it. Then, to get it into the thread, click the small picture icon and paste the link to the picture. This should upload it directly in. ezpz. Then, simply post the thread (but don't forget to fill out the template ofc). Thank you for reading, I hope I helped you learn to report a rule-breaker effectively. If you have any questions, please ask me and I'll be happy to help. -Savvvvvvvvvvvy ;) *If this gets enough attention, it may be helpful to move it to the reports section.
Great guide! Except for YouTube videos just copy and pasting the link into your reports works just as well.
I'm sure if I was a new member, this would help! @Pile move this to the Reports section ;) @Savvy ALSO please state what kind of advertising is against the rules, because I reported someone for advertising a Twitch account and it was denied :(
Maybe people will read this instead of complaining about the hackers. :D Thanks for the information. I've been trying to record hackers with a 30 second limit demo of Fraps. I might just give that software a try.
Thanks so much for putting a Recording Software link! I have been looking for a good one forever and I finally found one! I owe you one.